29: Tell me everything

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Peter sighed a little as he and everyone else walked slowly through the desert.

He had to keep wiping the sweat from his forehead because of how hot it actually was, and if he was honest he didnt know how much longer he could take of the constant walking, but like he said, he could be on the brink of collapse and still looking for Edmund.

He swallowed hard and turned to Susan when she caught up with him, handing him some water which he gratefully took.

"How much longer do you reckon this desert goes on for?" Susan mumbled.

Peter shook his head. "I have absolutely no idea." He muttered, glancing around in search of Lucy and smiling when she found her talking to Orious. "But I don't even think he is in the desert."

"What makes you think that?" Susan questioned.

"Well for one we haven't seen anyone for miles, and who in their right mind would set up home in the middle of a bloody desert!" Peter muttered.

Susan chuckled a little. "You've got a point." She said.

Peter nodded. "But even if I don't think he'll be here, I still have to check, just in case." He said quietly.

"Course." Susan whispered.

"What's that?"

Peter turned to Orious, frowning a little at the confusion on the Centaurs face. "What's what?" He asked.

"Over there, coming towards us." Orious replied, pointing ahead of them.

Peter turned to see what he was talking about, and sure enough spotted something running towards them. It wasn't close enough for him or anyone to see what it was, so Peter quickly drew his sword, the whole search party coming to a stop.

They waited as it got closer, and eventually Susan spoke. "It's a horse." She mumbled.

Peter lowered his sword hesitantly, and they all waited until the horse was no further than a few metres away, which is when it stopped, staring at them... specifically Peter.

No one said anything for a very long time, before the horse took one step forward. "You're King Peter." He said, not taking his eyes off of him.

Peter nodded slowly. "Yes." He said, not really surprised it was a talking horse, but surprised that it was this far from Narnia. "And who are you."

"My name is Amir." The horse said quickly. "But that doesn't matter, I know where your brother is."

Peter's heart skipped a beat and he almost collapsed in shock and relief. He managed to stay standing though, and opened his mouth to speak. "My - My brother, Edmund? You - You know where he is?" He choked.

The horse nodded. "I was working at the same place he's been taken to." He said. "It's on the outskirts of Calormen."

Peter hardly knew what to say, but there was one question that kept nagging at him, and eventually he asked it. "Is he okay?" He whispered.

The horse said nothing, and Peter panicked. "Is he okay?" He repeated, voice shaking.

The horse lowered his head. "I'm afraid they are not making it easy for him." He mumbled.

Peter swallowed hard and took a deep breath. "Tell me everything." He muttered. "And don't leave anything out."

The horse was silent for a few seconds before doing as he was asked. "He's being forced to work as a slave, he's not doing well with all the work on top of the heat, he's ended up being punished a few times." He said. "One he got punched around the face, or at least it looked like it. The other he was given five lashes, and word spread quickly  that it was because he'd tried sneaking some water. I don't blame him to be honest, poor kid was starting to get dehydrated. And - and he left the stable doors unlocked one night, that's how I escaped. He was obviously so tired it slipped his mind, and I dread to think what would've happened to him because of it, but I can tell you now, he will not be the same boy when you find him."

Peter didnt know what to say or do after this, but the next thing he knew he was sat on the floor, Susan beside him asking if he was okay. "I - I'm fine." He mumbled, pushing Susan's hands away. "E - Edmund."

Susan took a deep breath before turning to Amir. "How far away is this place?" She asked.

"Perhaps three days?" The horse estimated. "That's how long I've been gone for."

Susan nodded before turning back to her older brother. "We've found him Peter." She said with a soft smile. "We found him."

"No, we haven't. Not yet." Peter choked, before he slowly stood. "I want you and Lucy to go back home."


"No, I said if we had to enter Calormen you would return back to Cair." Peter cut her off.

"We'll go around the edge." Orious stepped in. "If it's around the outskirts it'll be better than going straight through."

"Won't that add longer to the journey?" Peter mumbled.

"Only a day or so." Orious said. "But going around will be a lot safer, there will hardly be anyone around, trust me."

Peter nodded before turning to the search party. "All of you can return home, make sure my sisters get back to the castle safe." He said. "Orious, Philip, Amir, you're coming with me."

No one dared disobey, so after a hard goodbye between the siblings, both sisters begging Peter to bring Edmund home, they all left, leaving just the two horses, Orious and Peter.

"Can you show us the way?" Peter asked Amir, eventually sheathing his sword.

Amir nodded. "Of course I can." He said firmly, nodding his head.

"Good." Peter muttered, taking a deep breath. "Now let's go and get my brother back."


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