24: No use to us

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Edmund shivered as he sat in the pitch black room, hugging his knees tightly to his chest and resting his chin on his arms, taking deep breaths to try and calm his pounding heart.

At the moment he couldn't quite tell whether the cold was a blessing or not, granted it was a change from the continuous heat he'd suffered through over the past... four days? He had no idea how long he'd been there, he'd lost count already.

He moved his legs a little, the chains rattling and causing him to shudder violently. It was so cold, that when he closed his eyes, all he could see was the witches ice dungeons, and almost believed he was back there... back there with her.

So he tried to keep his eyes open at all times, even knowing that he could sleep if he wanted to.

He had no idea how long he'd been sat there, but if he had to guess it was probably around an hour, if he was honest though, he probably wouldn't of found it too bad if he could just see a little, but unfortunately he couldn't even see his hand in front of his face.

Sighing he shuddered again, wondering just when someone was going to come and "teach him a lesson" like the guard had said.

As if this isn't punishment enough

Edmund thought, frowning a little as he strained his eyes against the darkness, but still he could see nothing, causing him to sigh sadly.

What felt like hours later, the door burst open, Edmund blinking in the sudden dull light from the torches outside, but that was soon blocked by one of the guards entering the cell, followed by two more who stood guard just inside the door.

Edmund watched as the first guard walked over to him.

"Take your shirt off and turn around." Was all he said, unhooking what looked like a whip from his belt.

Edmund swallowed hard... this was too much like his stay in Jadis' cell for his liking. But he did as he was told anyway, glad to be able to see what he was doing as he slipped his shirt over his head and turned with his back to the guard, trembling violently.

"I just thought I'd let you know that five horses escaped last night." The guard told him. "One of them found out to be a talking horse from Narnia."

Edmund's heart skipped a beat, Amir had escaped, and he couldn't hide the happiness he felt at that news.

"Now of course we didn't know he was a talking horse." The guard said slowly. "We were informed just now by someone who saw him heading through Calormen towards the desert. But now that we do know, we realise you just lost us a lot of money, so here's what's gonna happen."

Edmund's heart pounded in his chest as he waited for him to continue, digging his fingernails into the ground below.

"You will receive five lashes for each dumb horse that escaped." The guard continued eventually. "That's twenty. But for the talking horse you will receive ten lashes."

Edmund swallowed hard. Thirty. Thirty lashes... this was not going to be fun.

"And as well as that, you will spend three days down here." The guard added, causing Edmund's eyes to go wide. "You will not leave, that door will not be opened except for once when you will be given a small amount of water. There will be no food, no light, no warmth, no nothing for three days, do I make myself clear?"

Edmund couldn't help but let out a quiet sob at this. Three days? He already knew by the end he'll probably of been driven mad, and he didn't like that idea one bit. But he nodded his head anyway, not wanting the guard to add to the total lashes he would receive.

"Good." The guard muttered. "Now... brace yourself."

Edmund managed to keep in his screams for the first ten lashes, but as the eleventh one hit him, tearing through his already shredded back, his control snapped and he cried out in pain. He almost screamed for Peter, but managed to stop himself just in time, because anyone who found out who he really was, wouldn't hesitate to kill him or kidnap him.

But as the twelfth lash hit, he didn't think kidnapping was actually as bad as it sounded... but the way these people were, they would probably kill him mercilessly, or torture him for weeks and weeks until finally sending word to Peter that they had him, and would set him free on the condition that they pay them a lot of money.

No... best to keep his identity a secret.

The lashes kept coming, and by the twenty fifth one he was laying face down on the floor, sobbing quietly and screaming loudly every time the whip hit him.

He noticed one of the guards at the door wincing when he screamed again, hardly able to process how loud he must actually be screaming for someone to wince.

The thirtieth lash finally came, and Edmund screamed a lot louder than he would've liked... but he was just glad it was over.

The guard threw the whip to the ground in the corner of the room, and suddenly placed a booted foot against Edmund's back, pushing down and causing Edmund to groan and start sobbing even harder.

"Three days." The guard all but whispered. "And then it's back to work.. if you can work after this that is. But if you cant-" He cut himself off when a cry of "Please don't!" Reached the room, and smirked.

Edmund's eyes went slightly wider when he realised that must of been the person who was in here before, if the guards smirk was anything to go by. He felt slightly sick at the sound of metal going through flesh followed by the dull thud of a body hitting the ground, and he had to forced back a gag.

"If you cant work." The guard repeated. "Then you are considered as no use to us."

And with that the three guards left the room, closing and locking the door behind them, leaving Edmund laying on the floor and sobbing, silently begging for Peter to find him.


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