16: You can't tell anyone

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27th April

Peter groaned slightly as he woke, having to immediately shield his eyes from the blinding sunlight shining through the tent.

It took his mind a little while to register what day it was, but when he remembered that it was his birthday, he sighed quietly, swallowing hard and blinking back tears.

He wasn't sure if anyone else was awake yet, so he hesitantly sat up and glanced over to Susan and Lucy's beds, which he was surprised to find were empty.

Rubbing at his eyes and forcing back sleep, he swung his legs over the side of the hammock and stood, blinking a few times before grabbing his sword and heading outside.

Once out, he spotted Susan, Lucy and a few of the Narnians sat around talking in small groups or alone, thinking things over.

It was clear the small camp was in the middle of being packed up, and with a sigh he walked slowly over to join his sisters.

"Peter." Lucy said, a smile growing on her face as she hugged him. "Happy Birthday."

Peter swallowed hard. "Hmm." He replied, pulling away from Lucy and leaning back again the nearest tree, avoiding looking at either of his sisters.

"Peter." Susan sighed, her voice quiet and full of sadness. "It's your birthday."

Peter eventually moved his stare to her and just glared. "I don't care." He snapped. "All I care about right now is finding my brother."

"We know." Susan mumbled. "But Peter, you're twenty, that doesn't happen every day."

Peter rolled his eyes. "We can celebrate when Edmund's home and safe." He said firmly. "We'll have plenty of time."

Susan bit her lip and glanced at Lucy, who just sighed and shook her head sadly.

Peter, after a minute or two opened his mouth. "As soon as we're ready we're searching again." He said firmly.

Susan nodded a little. "Why don't you have some breakfast?" She suggested gently.

Peter stared at the food he'd been offered, but shook his head in the end, standing and brushing down his trousers. "I'm not hungry." He muttered, before heading back to the tent to grab his cloak.

Once he had it, he sunk down and sat on the edge of his bed, running his free hand through his hair as he sighed.

"Oh where are you Ed?" He choked, voice nothing more than a whisper. "Where are you."


Edmund sighed as he headed down to the stables the next day, rubbing at his eyes and yawning rather loudly.

It was only 6:30, and he'd been forced to get up at 5, which wasn't great for him seeming as he definitely was not a morning person.

He'd been told by a few others working around the house that work started at 6:30, then there was a half hour break around 11ish, and then a half hour break for lunch. There was no break until dinner, which wasn't until 6, and then they'd work until bed, which was 11.

But if he was honest, none if this really bothered him at that exact moment, the fact that be was his missing his brothers birthday though, did.

"I'm so sorry Peter." He whispered, shaking his head back and forth slowly as he reached the stables. "I really am sorry."

"Why are you talking to yourself?"

Edmund jumped at the humorous voice, and swung around, expecting to find someone stood behind him, but there was no one there.

"Over here."

Edmund looked to his left and came face to face with a beautiful, black horse... and this shocked him. "You - You can talk?" He breathed.

The horse let out something of a laugh. "Of course I can talk." He replied.

Edmund frowned. "So," He paused. "You're from-"

"Narnia yes." The horse finished for him. "I was taken about a year ago."

Edmund nodded slowly, still shocked to of actually found a talking horse in Calormen. "Er, what's your name?"

"Amir." The horse replied. "And yours?"

Edmund took a deep breath, and was about to answer, before the horse let out a noise of disbelief. "It can't be." He said quietly... and Edmund sighed, Amir had recognized him. "You're King Edmund?"

Biting his lip, Edmund nodded slowly. "But please." He said quickly. "You can't tell anyone. If you do they'll either just kill me, or hold me for ransom."

Amir stared at him for a moment before nodding. "I will not tell a soul." He said. "You have my word."

Edmund breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you." He said.

"But what I don't understand is how you're in Calormen working as a slave?" Amir questioned, causing Edmund to sigh.

"I - Its a long story." He muttered. "And if I'm honest it was partly my fault."

There was silence for a little while before Edmund spoke again. "Do - Do people know you're a talking horse?"

"No." Amir replied. "No one knows, they'd probably try and sell me for a fair amount if they did."

"Then I will not say a word about it." Edmund told him, before frowning. "If no one knows, why did you risk talking in front of me?"

The horse smiled. "I could tell instantly that you were from Narnia." He said. "But to then recognise you as royalty, well that came as quite a shock... your majesty." He added the last bit hastily, bowing his head.

"Please, there's no need for that." Edmund said. "I'm no King out here."

"You are a King no matter where you go." Amir told him gently.

Edmund smiled a little. "Thank you." He said gently.

Amir nodded at him. "Not to seem rude, but you should probably get on with your work." He said. "You don't want anyone to find you lazing about."

Edmund nodded quickly. "Yes, I suppose." He sighed, before immediately setting to work tyding up... and he wondered just how the stables could get so messy overnight.

With a sigh he picked up a broom, yawning loudly before opening his mouth. "Happy Birthday Peter." He murmered, blinking back tears as best he could before continuing with his work.


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