36: Advice

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Edmund hesitantly turned, taking a deep breath when he saw two guards down the other end of the short corridor, coming towards him with frowns on their faces.

"I - I got lost." Edmund choked, his heart pounding when they were close enough to stop walking.

"Lost?" One of them asked.

Edmund swallowed hard. "I - I was sent to the kitchens to fetch some apples." He stuttered. "I - I couldn't find it."

"You're new here I'm guessing." The other guard muttered.

Edmund only nodded, but didn't say anything.

The next thing he knew though he was pushed against the wall, the guards arm across his chest and pushing down so hard Edmund was sure he'd break a rib if he pushed any harder.

"I'll give you some advice." The guard all but whispered, noting the pure terror in Edmund's eyes. "Don't get lost again, or you will be punished, you cannot just go wondering around like you own the place, do I make myself clear?"

Edmund, struggling to breathe properly, quickly nodded his head, backing away when the guard finally let go of him.

"Now go." The guard spat. "The kitchens are down the corridor, left, right, up the stairs, right again and the fourth door on your left."

Edmund nodded and without a second thought he dashed away, following the guards directions and very soon coming across the kitchens.

As he carried the bucket of apples back, he placed a hand gently to his chest, taking a deep breath and wincing as he did... he had no doubt that he'd have some colourful bruises come tomorrow.

Ignoring the pain as best he could he headed back outside and down to the stables, only to be met with a rather angry looking guard, causing his heart to skip a beat.

"Twenty minutes that took you." The guard muttered as Edmund placed the bucket of apples down on the ground. "Why?"

"I - I got lost." Edmund whispered, trying to hide the fear he was feeling, it would seem getting lost around here never ended well.

The guard walked over to him until he was no further then a foot away, glaring down at him before wrapping his hand around Edmund's neck and slamming him against a wall.

Edmund's eyes went insanely wide as his air was suddenly cut off. He tried clawing at the mans hand, but if anything he just squeezed tighter, causing Edmund to begin choking.

He struggled as much as he could, but the man didn't let go, no matter how many times he attempted to kick him and pull his hand away.

His heart pounded against his chest as his vision started to go blurry, his face red with the effort of trying to breathe, but he couldn't take one single breath.

The guard squeezed harder once again, a smirk growing on his face. "You waste time..." He said slowly. "Then you'll face the consequences."

Edmund choked, having no strength to fight back, and just when he was about to let go, the man removed his hand and threw him to the ground.

Edmund gasped harshly, sucking in air and coughing loudly, relief washing over him as he gasped.

Tears streamed down his cheeks, and he let out a sob when he was kicked in the side. "Get back to work." The guard told him, before leaving as if nothing had happened.

Edmund lay his head on the ground, taking deep breaths and sobbing, trembling hard and wincing at the pain from his neck.

After a few minutes though he hesitantly stood, not needing to look to see that his neck had bright red marks around it, causing him to take a deep, shaky breath.

He stumbled over to the apples, taking a few and heading over to one of the horses, unsteady on his feet.

He leant his head against the horses neck as it ate, taking deep, shaky breaths and coughing every now and then, wincing after everytime he did.

That had been so, so close. Edmund didnt think he was going to let go, he truly had thought he was about to die, and he found himself so, so, so grateful that he was still there, alive, maybe not okay, but he was alive, and right now that was all that mattered to him.


May 9th

Peter sighed and he paced back and forth in the room he'd been given.

It was the next day, and he has still heard no knews on where his brother was, and he was really starting to worry.

What if they couldn't find Edmund? What if, if they did he was so badly hurt that recovering wasn't possible.
What if he was so scarred that he wasn't the brother he remembered?

Peter squeezed his eyes shut against such thoughts, forcing back tears as he collapsed onto the bed, running a hand through his hair and sighing in frustration.

He had to keep telling himself over and over again that he would find Edmund, and even though there was a nagging thought in the back of his mind saying that he might not, he needed to hope, because right now, hope was all he had.

He looked up when there was a knock at the door and Orious walked in, giving him a sad smile.

"Any news?" Peter asked, voice quiet.

Orious sighed and shook his head. "Not that I've heard." He said. "But I've just gone to make sure that there are actually people looking for him."

"And there are?" Peter questioned.

"There are a few people going through recnt documents yes." Orious reassured him, before: "We will find him your majesty, I know we will."

Peter took a deep breath. "I really hope you're right." He whispered, turning and staring out a nearby window, tears stinging his eyes.

Oh Ed, he thought, his eyes closing. Where in the world are you?


A rather late in the day update but I realised I haven't updated this book since the 12th and should probably give you all a chapter seeming as a lot of people like this story xx

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