26: Please

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Edmund shivered slightly as he sat there, his head buried in his knees which were pulled up to his chest, the shackles digging into his ankles and causing more pain that he would've liked.

He sighed a little, blinking back tears as best he could. He knew he'd been there for at least a day at that point, and he wasn't sure if he could last another two. His stomach ached with hunger, his mouth and throat dry from lack of water, the dark was already starting to play tricks on his mind, especially with all the noises he could hear, and on top of that the pain from the lashes on his back was almost unbearable.

He kept his head down as he took a deep, shaky breath, wrapping his arms tighter around his legs but flinching when that caused the lashes to pull tight. He squeezed his eyes shut to force back a sob, and tried his hardest to think of anything but the pain and the cold.

He ended up thinking about his siblings though, and he didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Please Peter." He whispered, voice cracking. He knew his brother was out looking for him, he knew him well enough to know. But he wanted him to find him now, he knew it sounded selfish because he knew Peter was trying his hardest, but he didn't know how much longer he could take it, take the pain, the fear, the cold and the heat, the work... all of it, not to mention that when he was finally let out of the room he'd be put to work somewhere a lot harder.

He shivered again, telling himself over and over again that Peter would find him, and until that day... he would just have to be brave.


Edmund didn't know how much time passed until the door burst open, and he had to quickly squeeze his eyes shut against the sudden light, despite it only being a dull light from the torches out in the corridor.

A women stood in the doorway, something of a frown on her face before she stepped in and handed Edmund a cup.

Edmund only hesitated a little, but then his thirst got the better of him and he'd downed the cup in five seconds flat.

He sat there for a moment before glancing up at the women. "Please." He whispered. "Food?"

The women's face melted, and this shocked Edmund. "I - I can't." She mumbled.

Edmund frowned at him. "What?" He choked.

The women, after peeking out the door to see if they were alone, knelt down beside Edmund, sighing a little. "I am so sorry about all of this." She whispered.

Edmund blinked at her, unsure of what to say to that... he was still rather shocked.

"I've never agreed to what happens here." The women explained, raising an eyebrow at Edmund's confusion. "You don't need to be scared of me."

"Why do you stay here if you don't like it?" Edmund asked, gripping the cup tightly in his hands and wishing it would just magically fill itself with water.

"My father, owns the place." The women mumbled.

"That man, sat in the chair, the one that brought me, is your father?" Edmund realised.

The women nodded her head. "Yeah." She answered.

"Then what are you doing down here?" Edmund questioned.

The women smiled. "You ask a lot of questions don't you?" She chuckled, but answered anyway. "I came to give you your water, obviously. I do it with everyone unfortunate enough to be locked down here... what did you do anyway?"

Edmund sighed. "I forgot to lock the stable doors." He mumbled. "I was too tired to remember."

The women sighed. "I was gonna say you should've told them that," she said. "But it probably would've gotten you into even more trouble."

"Probably." Edmund choked, resting his chin on his knees again. "How long have I been in here?" He asked.

"Its mid afternoon now, so just under a day and a half."

Edmund swallowed hard. "Okay." He whispered.

The women stared at him for a short while. "How old are you?" She asked gently. "You look pretty young."

"I'm sixteen." Edmund whispered in reply, voice choked as he forced the words past his lips.

"A child." The women breathed, tears making her eyes shine. She sounded shocked, and this heartened Edmund a little. "Only a kid."

There was silence for a long while before the women placed a hand on Edmund's bare shoulder. "Why don't you try putting your shirt back on?" She murmered. "It'll help against the cold?"

Edmund swallowed hard. "I tried it already." He whispered. "It hurts my back."

The women glanced at Edmund's back and sighed. "I'm really sorry I can't do anything to help you." She breathed. "But someone would find out and we'd both be in a lot of trouble."

"I don't think I can get myself in anymore trouble than this." Edmund muttered, shaking his head a little.

"I'm afraid you could." Was the answer, before she slowly stood. "Be brave okay? It's only another day and a half."

"Please." Edmund whispered. "Leave a candle or something?"

The women looked heartbroken, but slowly shook her head. "I can't." She whispered, and it was only then that Edmund realised that she looked rather young as well.

He swallowed hard but nodded his head. "I understand." He whispered, lowering his gaze to the ground before speaking again. "But thank you."

The women- girl? Nodded her head before slowly leaving the room, the door closing quietly behind her and once again leaving Edmund in complete darkness.

He shivered once again, curled himself into a tight ball, ignored the pain and eventually drifted off to sleep.


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