20: It's been a week

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"Su?" Peter murmered, falling back a bit to walk beside his sister, meaning to apologise about what had happened the day before.

Susan glanced at him, but didn't say anything and instead just stared ahead.

Peter sighed. "I know you're probably angry at me." He murmered. "And I don't blame you, but I came to apologised. I didn't mean to snap at you like that, I'm just worried and frustrated, and that really isn't a good mix. I really am sorry Su, I won't do it again  and I'll try and listen to you when you offer advice or when you just want to help."

Susan's face softened as she slowly looked at Peter, before sighing. "I know you're sorry." She breathed. "But I dont blame you for your outburst, I know this must be hard-"

"He's your brother too Susan." Peter sighed. "You're probably just as worried as I am yet you seem to be able to stay calm."

"Do you honestly think I'm worrying more?" Susan asked. "Because I don't think its true. Sure I'm absolutely worried sick, but everyone knows how protective of Ed you can get, we've all seen it since Beruna."

Peter swallowed hard and hesitantly nodded. "I worry about all three of you, of course I do." He said. "But when you watch your brother getting stabbed, it just triggers something inside you, a protective side that you didn't even know you had."

Susan nodded. "I know." She breathed, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving him a reassuring smile. "But we will find him Peter, I promise. It could take us a week or a month, but eventually he'll be back with us, and safe."

Peter gave her a small smile and a nod in reply.

"So, are you gonna stop for an hour for some lunch?" Susan tried, knowing it was long past twelve now.

Peter sighed but nodded his head. "Sure." He breathed.

Susan smiled, and glance up when Orious walked over. "Sir," He said, staring at Peter. "We have searched the whole of Narnia and have found no trace of your brother."

Peter swallowed hard. "Then we start searching outside of Narnia." He said quietly but firmly.

"Of course." Orious said. "If they are your orders."

Peter nodded again. "You and a few others, Tumnus and Philip included, can come with me into Archenland." Hs said.

"And me and Susan?"

Peter looked to his left to see Lucy slowly walking up to them, stopping at Susan's side and giving her brother a small frown.

Peter hesitated. "And you two yeah." He breathed. "But on one condition."

"What?" Susan asked.

"If we have to start searching Calormen in the end, you are to return home straight away, I dont want you two in anymore danger than you have to be."

Susan clearly didn't look happy, but she knew no matter what Peter wouldn't change his mind so she just nodded her head. "We will." She all but whispered.

Peter nodded grateful at her, placing a hand on her shoulder like she did to him not even a minute ago. "I know you aren't happy." He murmered. "But I'm supposed to protect you, I cant have more than one of you getting hurt, especially when I can do something to prevent you two from being injured or something."

"I understand Peter." Susan said gently, even managing a smile for her older brother.

"Do you reckon we'll be able to search in Calormen?" Peter asked Orious.

"If you aren't alone and have soldiers with you, then they won't do anything." Orious reassured him. "They wouldn't dare."

Peter breathed a sigh of relief and nodded his head. "Let the others know I want them to re search Narnia." He told him. "We could've missed him for all we know."

Orious nodded and bowed his head, before trotting away.

"Its been a week." Lucy whispered suddenly, sitting down on the ground. "A week since he went out riding."

Peter sighed sadly and sat beside her, pulling her into a tight hug. "I know." He murmered. "I knows its been a week."

"But no matter how long it takes we will find him." Susan stepped in, sitting in front of the two and giving Lucy a reassuring smile. "Because we won't stop until he's safe okay?"

Lucy smiled weakly. "Of course we won't." She mumbled. "He's our brother, and I miss him so, so much."

"I miss him too Lucy." Peter all but whispered. "And I'm sure he misses you. But Edmund's strong, so you can be strong to, for Ed?"

Lucy nodded. "For Ed." She agreed. "Thanks."

Peter hugged her a little tighter and placed a kiss to the top of her head. "No problem." He murmered, burying his face against her hair and letting out a long sigh.

"Let's just have some lunch so we can continue as soon as possible." Susan told her two siblings.

Peter stared at her. "Sounds like a good idea to me." He mumbled.

Susan sighed. "You will eat something won't you?" She asked hesitantly. "It's just, you didn't eat breakfast."

Peter hesitated. "I'm not that hungry."

Susan sighed. "You have to eat Peter." She told him. "And you know that."

Peter glanced up at her, and at seeing the determination in her bright blue eyes he eventually nodded his head. "Alright." He mumbled. "I'll have something, but dont force me to eat anymore than I can, I'm feeling sick enough as it is."

"I won't." Susan said, before smirking. "As long as you eat enough."

Peter couldn't help but smile and shook his head a little, before resting his cheek on the top of Lucy's head, sighing as tears stung his eyes, his brother once again coming to his mind, and he at that moment, he wished he didn't have a good imagination.


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