Senior Prank Night

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"This is ridiculous," you frown at your friend's face on your phones screen as you tighten the laces on your worn out sneakers.

"Oh come on, you haven't gone to any of the sports games and didn't participate in any of the games during the assemblies or go to any dances, you can at least come to the senior prank night. It's a right of passage! This is your last year in high school. Have some fun."

"I just don't want to get in trouble," you plop down on your bed. "I'll probably be the first one to get caught."

"No..." Sasha rolls her eyes playfully. "You're a fast runner, I doubt you'll be the first caught. Maybe second though."

"When do you want me to pick you up," you swipe out of the facetime app and look at the time.

"Right now," she states. "I want to stop and get some slushees. I promised Connie and Jean I'd grab them some."

"And how is that my problem? You have a car too..." you let out an annoyed sigh, thinking about going out of your way to help Sasha get things for two of the most atrocious boys in your senior class.

"My moms on the graveyard shift at the hospital so I don't have the car," she whines. "Come on, I'll buy you something at the gas station."

"How about gas?" You take hold of your keys and wallet, shoving them in your hoodies front pocket.

"Will do. You heading over now?"

"Yeah," you shut your bedroom door behind you and head to the garage where you plan on leaving since you lost the key to the front door and only have the garage door opener to get in and out of your home.

"Okay bye~" she sings.

You hang up the call and get into your car that's parked in the driveway. You wait as your phone connects to the Bluetooth, then you shuffle your playlist until it lands on the right song. Satisfied, you buckle yourself in and put the gearshift in reverse then roll out of your driveway.


You park on the side of the street in front of Sasha's house, a place you're at almost everyday. She's one of the girls that gets a long with everyone, but you're considered her closest friend. She however, is your only friend. You don't talk to others much and only spend your time doing homework so you can get into a school far away from this small town.

You're sick and tired of everyone knowing everything about you and how nothing ever stays a secret. Most of the kids here aren't going anywhere with their lives, but you have big plans. You want to study abroad and then become an interior designer in all the foreign countries.

"Hey!" Sasha falls into the passenger seat and slams your car door shut, even though you've asked her repeatedly not to do that and to be gentle.

"I didn't even see you," you laugh, looking at her entirely black outfit. All the way from her beanie, down to her sneakers. While you picked out a hoodie and a skirt, she's wearing a long sleeve and leggings.

"You're going to freeze your little ass off," her eyes scan your outfit. "Why a skirt?"

"It's the only thing that I have that's black," you shrug.

"I swore you had leggings," she frowns, but you shake your head in disagreement. "Oh well. I guess it's pretty warm tonight anyways, I don't know why I said you'd freeze. I'm already sweating just from running out to the car."

You pull your car onto the main road, realizing not too many people are out since it's almost twelve am. That's when everyone is supposed to meet at the high school, so you left with just enough time to stop and grab slushees from the corner store near the school.

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