Summer Camp

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Author Note: some of you guys seemed to be upset that y/n "manipulated" Connie into having sex and I didn't mean for it to be taken that way. So my bad lol. Here's an extra long special chapter as an apology.


It's been two weeks...

You've managed to avoid him for two weeks. That doesn't mean you've stopped thinking about him. In fact, quite the opposite. He's all you think about.

You find yourself searching for him in the hallways, trying your best to be on his team while in PE. You can't seem to shake him.

Your solid plan of screwing him and getting it out of your system was in fact not a good one. You find yourself wanting him even more than you did before.

He hasn't been a total stranger though. You've caught his eye a few times. But just as fast as it happened, he looked away in an instant.

"It's Friday," Sasha tosses a dress at you from her closet. "We're going to Porco's party."

"Not happening," you scoff. "He's worse than Connie when it comes to verbally assaulting me. He won't let me into his house, I guarantee it."

"Who cares what he wants," Sasha fixes her bangs in the mirror and smirks. "I want you there and I'm sure some hot guy from another school will as well."

You narrow your eyes. "Another school?"

"Yeah, it's because of the Clash. Ya know...we just played Marley tonight. Our rival," she sighs. "It's tradition."

"Right the game tonight... I guess I missed it," you press your lips together.

Sasha gives you a knowing look. "Again. Yeah, I know. It's okay though, it's understandable. I wouldn't want to see Connie after what happened either."

"So why would I go to a party that he's at?" You laugh.

"Because," she turns and faces you with a devilish look. "'re gonna fuck his best friend."


So here you are, standing in the middle of a raging house party, dressed in a black turtleneck and a dark brown slip dress that reaches your mid thigh and some sheer tights.

"Good you're hot," Sasha kisses your cheek and then wipes the smudge off. "Now let's go find you some Jean Kirstein."

"I'm really not sure about this," you let out a hesitant sigh. "I mean, this is pretty low."

"Maybe," Sasha shrugs. "But Jean is interested in you and it's not like you and Connie were ever more than fuck-buddies. So I don't see the issue. Think of it as a rebound."

You shake your head. "This isn't me. At all."

"Fine..." she groans. "I won't pressure you. To have sex that is. I will pressure you into drinking with me though."

Deciding it's probably unavoidable at a party, you agree. She drags you into the kitchen and pours you a shot and one for herself.

"Ready?" She grins.

You look down at the liquid and smell it. "What is-"

"Vodka," Jean comes up behind you and stands between you and Sasha. "We taking shots?"

"We are," Sasha hands him her shot glass and then pours another for herself, winking at you. "To another year of beating Marley."

"Sure," you shrug and tap glasses with Jean and Sasha, then place your lips around it.

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