You Deserve Better

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You kiss back. It's impossible not too. Muscle memory and all...

Your hand grabs onto the front his his shirt and clenched it into your fist. It's quite outside, the cold air crisp and chilling on your face, but Connie's touch is keeping you warm.

Realization sets in within seconds and you push him from you. Not hard or anything, just enough to remove his lips from yours.

"We can't," you swallow. "I'm with Colt."

Connie backs up and your hand drops down to your side. "Right."

"Let's just forget this," you go to walk past him but he steps into your path. "Stop, Connie."

He clenches his jaw. "Just tell me something..." His eyes are strong and it makes you feel nervous. "How often do you think about me?"

You weren't expecting that question and you don't know if telling the truth will be good for either of you.

"Why does it matter?" You try to avoid answering him.

"I'm just curious," he states. "I think about you all the time."

You feel your cheeks heat up. "Well... don't."

You reach for the door and before your hand can reach the knob, it swings open. Colt stands in front of you now, filling the doorway.

His eyes flicker from yours to Connie who is behind you. You watch his eyebrows furrow as he tries to understand just what he's walking in on.

"I came to check on you," he mutters, bringing his eyes back onto you. "You okay?"

You nod. "Yeah."

Not even you found that believable.

Colt wraps his arm around your shoulder. "Want me to take you home?"

You nod again.

He starts to lead you down the path towards the street where his car is parked. You glance back at the house as Colt opens the passenger door for you.

Connie is staring back at you with a longing expression. He knows there's still something between you two and you fear that you won't be able to keep ignoring it.

Colt shuts the door, severing off your view of Connie. You sit in the silent car, brining your finger up to your bottom lip and tracing it. It's still warm and tingling from the contact with Connie's.

Guilt is settling into your stomach as Colt drives you home. He hasn't said anything and neither have you. You wish you could explain to him how you feel, but it would only hurt him.

How do you tell your boyfriend that you're not over someone you were never even with. Colts an understanding person and before you two started dating you told him about you and Connie. You warned him that it wasn't going to be easy to just move on from him and Colt had said he was a patient person.

But that was two months ago. You have no excuse now. You just kissed Connie and you're with Colt. That's bad, you know. But you can't say you with us didn't happen. Your just be lying to yourself.

"Here we are," Colt pulls to a stop outside your house.

You hesitate, your hands staying in your lap. "Did you want to come in?"

Colt looks past you at your house and then back to you. He grabs his key and turns it, shutting off his car. "Sure."

You're not sure why you invited him in. It's probably not a good idea since you're trying to figure out how you feel about everything. But maybe you're trying to avoid that too. Avoid feeling like your life is a mess, which it is.

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