Hot Spring

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You in fact did not accompany Connie to his comfortable king sized bed. You stayed in your small twin bunk bed with Sasha snoring loudly above you.

It's one of those memories you'd like to have after you graduate and have to look back on with her. You know the both of you are going to different colleges so when you finally meet up and catch each other up on life you can talk about the past together.

"I remember that time we went to Eren's cabin and you snored all night..."

It would be something to laugh about. Now if you ended up with Connie last night then you'd be thinking of a very different memory.


You're all sitting in the main level of the cabin devouring pancakes that Marco and Armin got up early to make for you guys. It was the best thing to wake up too. Their aroma alone made your mouth water.

"Here," you pass the syrup over to Jean who's sitting beside you at the small dining table in the room next to the living area.

Jean takes it and smothered his pancakes and smiles. "I could hear Sasha from my room down the hall. I feel sorry for you."

"It's nothing I'm not used too," you chuckle.

"Well I'm sure you can room with someone else for tonight if you want too," he places a bite of food in his mouth and chews slowly.

You answer with a nod and take a bite of your own breakfast. The two of you are the only ones sitting at the table, the rest are in the living room on the couch.

"Any plans this fine winter day?" He questions.

You shrug. "Not really. I'll see what Sasha's up too, I guess."

"A couple of us are going to the hot springs if you'd like to join," he picks up his empty plate and pushes his chair back.

You get a vivid flashback of the last time you were in one with Jean and a red hot blush creeps to your cheeks.

"I'll think about it," you clear your throat. "Thanks for the invitation."

He nods. "Of course. I'll let you know when we're about to leave."

Jean takes his plate into the kitchen and you spend a much longer time finishing your breakfast, wanting to savor each bite.


Noon rolls around and Porco, Marco, Sasha, and Armin went off to fish on the lake. Mikasa and Eren went for a hike and that leaves you with Jean and Connie.

The two of them are playing video games in the living room. It's some loud shooting game that you're doing your best to tune out while you read your book curled up on the opposite side of the couch to them.

"Dude! I'm sick of carrying you," Connie groans. "Learn to shoot better." Jean nudges his shoulder roughly and Connie falls to the side with a smug laugh. "Don't be a sore loser now."

"Oh shut up," Jean groans. "I'm doing fine."

Connie looks at him with skepticism. "I think y/n could kick your ass in this game."

You look up from your book with your eyebrows knitted. ""

Jean's head falls back with a laugh. "You for sure could."

"If you can't, what makes you think I'd be able to too? I've never touched video games before," you defend.

Connie pauses the game and looks over at you."She's right that you can't beat me. I would like to see if she can beat you though."

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