The Bridge

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Both backseat doors open simultaneously and the two boys pile in, rocking Sasha's car around until they're settled in their seats.

"Let's go!" Jean cheers and punches the back of your seat repeatedly in a row.

"Calm your tits," Sasha puts the car in reverse and starts to drive out of the parking lot.

"Aux please," Connie leans in between yours and Sashas' seat and looks for the cord. You peer over at him and watch as he pushes his hand under your thigh. He turns his hand palm up and grazes his finger between your legs. "Hmm I can't find it."

"I think it's on the floor," Sasha doesn't take her eyes off the road, but tries to reach over to your side of the car.

"Woah," Connie uses his other hand and slaps hers. "Don't get distracted, I'll grab it." How Connie is positioned, Jean and Sasha are unable to see where Connie's hand is. He slides it back from under your thigh and smiles. "Found it."

He plugs the cord in and you cross your legs, trying to make the tingling sensation subside. He turns on some music and you lean your head against the window, feeling tired after being in a crowd of people for so long.

Soon enough, after eight songs being belted out by Connie and Jean, Sasha pulls the car to a stop in the middle of the woods.

"Where the hell are we?" You look out of the car skeptically.

"You haven't been to the bridge?" Jean opens up your door after he gets out from the back. "Sasha, why haven't you taken her?"

Sasha shrugs. "She doesn't normally like secluded places used for smoking weed."

"Is that why we're out here?" Your voice raises to an embarrassing tone and you shut your mouth tightly, trying not to sound like a complete loser.

"Yeah, why else?" Jean comes up beside you and throws his arm around your neck. "You haven't smoked yet, have you smarty pants?"

"No..." your breath catches as he grabs onto the string of your hoodie and twists it around his finger.

"Don't worry," he leans his face closer to yours. "We'll fix that. Right guys?"

You look over beside Jean at Connie. He is clenching his jaw and analyzing Jeans movements. "Yeah. It's a right of passage to smoke here."

Jean drops his arm back to his side and the four of you continue hiking through the dark woods, Sasha and Jean now ahead of you, the only light coming from her phone.

"Are you sure you're not planning on murdering me?" You start to cower. You're not the adventurous type and walking through an unknown area out in the middle of nowhere is intimidating. You don't actually think they're going to do something bad, you're just wanting reassurance that this place is safe.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Connie leans in to you, your shoulders touching.

"We're almost there," Sasha turns back around and smiles.

You feel Connie's hand slide into yours and squeeze it gently. There's a moment of comfort, but he then let's go when Sasha turns around again and smiles devilishly at you.

"We have arrived. Miss y/n," she Sasha steps to the side so you walk up beside her. "Welcome to the bridge."

In front of you is an old rickety wood bridge. It's missing the sides so you assume it's no longer in use due to safety reasons and the fact that there's nothing out here to go to. "This looks super dangerous." You look skeptically at it.

"Nonsense," Connie laughs. "There's water running underneath from the river and it's 100% survivable if you go over."

"If?" You look back at him with wide eyes. "As in there's a chance?"

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