First Football Game

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Somehow it's already Friday and you've gotten through most of the day avoiding Connie. He's been bothering you about going to the football game today and you've run out of excuses. Even Sasha has been trying, and she's much harder to say no too.

"I got the other isle done," Jean comes up beside you, close enough that his arm brushes against yours. "What's next on the list?"

You pull your phone from your back pocket and look at the time. "There's only two more minutes, so you can be done. No sense starting a project you can't finish."

"Yeah, you're right," he turns and leans against the shelf of books and looks over at you. "So you coming to the game?"

"Probably not," you scratch your eyebrow and give him a tight smile.

He sighs. "You really have no school spirit. Even at the senior prank night you looked miserable. I think the only time that night you looked enthused was when we were leaving."

"Just not my thing," you shrug.

"Well I'd like it if you came," his eyes search yours, not wavering for a moment. "If you came for me."

Jean brings his hand up to you and traces it down the length of your arm. Your mouth falls open slightly as you stare absently at him, not sure what to say.

"Um," you wet your dry lips and swallow the lump in your throat. "I-" The bell rings and your shoulders relax. "I have to go."

Jean let's out an amused scoff and watches you walk away from him. "I hope you change your mind."

You pause for a moment, wondering if you should respond, but decide against it, continuing out of the library.

You manage to get to your car without being bombarded by Connie, but unfortunately you couldn't make it home. Connie comes up behind you as you're tossing your bag into the backseat.

"Have you changed your mind?" Connie's words bring on a flashback of Jean's finger slowly moving down your skin.

"Uh-" you cough. "About what?"

"Coming?" He gives you a questioning look. You get flustered again. "To the game...?"

You clear your throat and close your door. "I don't think-"

"Please," Connie sighs. "I want you to watch me. I won't ask you for anything else ever again."

You're about to answer, but Reiner comes up to you with Porco trailing behind him. "You trying to get ms.goody-goody to do your homework?" He laughs boastfully. "Begging a girl like her is pretty pathetic."

"Im trying to-" he starts, but Reiner doesn't care, he's already cracking jokes to Proco about you.

"Well good luck Connie. You're wasting your time with her though," Reiner puts his hand up and gives a small wave before walking off with Porco.

"Dick," you pull your drivers side open and slide into your seat. You start up the car and Connie braces his hands on the top of your car, leaning forward and looking down at you.

"Come on," he smiles. "It'll be fun."

You turn your heat down and glance at him. "Why do you want me to watch you play?"

"Because it would be nice to know you're cheering for me," he shrugs with a shy expression, like he's embarrassed to say it. "Please."

You lean back in your seat and sigh. "Fine."

Connie stands up, looking victorious. "Good. I'll see you there then. Can you hangout afterwards? Jean, Sasha and I are heading to the bridge after the game, I want you to come."

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