Lingering Thoughts

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Connie ends up bringing you a towel from a pile in the corner of the shed and wipes off the mess he left on you, then covers your lower half with his hoodie and puts his sweatpants back on while you pull your bra over your head.

"So?" He sits beside you on the mat as you hold your hands in your lap. "How was it?"

"You might not have been my first time, but you were the first person to give me an orgasm," you blush, taking a small glance at him.

"I'm glad," he kisses your cheek softly.

"Was it good for you?" You ask hesitantly, not sure if you want the answer.

"Oh God yes," he nods. "It's kind of embarrassing, but I don't usually last long enough for the girl to finish. But with you I was happy to keep going."

"Oh," you smile with satisfaction. "Good..."

"Don't tell anyone I don't normally last long though," he laughs. "That's our little secret."

"Can this whole thing be our little secret? I don't want this getting out," you grab a handful of the hoodie covering you and frown. "Please."

"Of course," he nods. "I think it's more scandalous and exciting this way."

The two of you get fully dressed, but it takes you a while to find your spandex and pull those on. But once you're ready, the two of you head back to the field where Sasha and Jean no longer are.

As you enter the dug out, you see that the balloons are gone, as is the pump, so you're assuming they went into the school to distribute them to the other seniors. Nice of them to leave you all the work here though.

You pick up a pack of pencils and then take them out into the grassy outfield and begin shoving them into the ground.

You're not sure what you're supposed to say to Connie or how you're supposed to act. The guy at your summer job never talked to you again because he moved back home which was a state away. You wish it was that easy with Connie, but no, you have to go to school with him. And Sasha is one of his best friends.

You empty the first box of pencils and look over to the infield where Connie is hammering the pencils into the dirt which must be a lot harder since the ground is solid.

As he slams the hammer into the pencil, it reminds you of how he had just pounded into you for fifteen minutes. You get turned on again just thinking about it.

He catches you staring and smiles at you, but it seems genuine and not to taunt you. Quickly, you look away and get off the ground to grab another box of pencils.

"I'm going to go get the others to help us," Connie passes by you. "I'm exhausted. That took a lot out of me."

"Okay!" You say quickly, not wanting him to bring it up again. "I'll be here."

"Well by the time you got over the fence to leave I'd be back," he teases and jogs off.

You continue to scatter the pencils through out the outfield, trying not to think about what you and Connie had just done, but you can't get it out of your head.

The way his tongue felt as it explored your most private areas, or the way he spoke, all lustful and husky. His words echo through your head.

"Good girl."

You bite the tip of your finger with a joyous smile, thinking about him saying that to you again and again.

You could think about it for hours...

"Y/n! Hello! Are you deaf?" Sasha shouts a few feet away from you.

"Huh?" You stand up and turn to face her.

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