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"Why did you say that?" You groan with your hands running down your face as you sit beside Sasha a few rows up from where your team's bench is located

Sasha shoves a handful of popcorn in her mouth and shrugs like she has no idea what you're talking about.

You look down at the court and see Connie pass the ball to Jean as he goes in for a layup and you can't help but wonder if you should bring the situation with Jean up to Connie. Their friendship is important and it's one you don't want to get in-between.

"Colts looking at you," Sasha leans over and mumbles to you.

Your eyes scan the players on the other side of the court and spot the blonde. When your eyes meet his, he gives a small wave and you return it with a forced smile.

"I heard he got the scholarship he wanted," Sasha states. "His dad told mine."

You find the news nice, but it's not going to make you go up to him and congratulate him on his achievement. You're not sure if he wants that either.

"Cool," you nod and advert your gaze back to Connie. "I'm not going to tell him about Jean..."

Sasha let's out a deep breath and looks down at her friend. "I respect your decision even if it's not what I agree with. But if he finds out that you know about Jeans feelings for you and decided not to tell him, he's going to be hurt."

You know that. You do. But you also know that if you bring it up it'll cause the dynamic between Jean and Connie to change and you don't want to be the reason. You'll just tell Jean that it'll never happen and that he needs to look else where. It's not like you've lead him on.

"Just please don't say anything," you frown as Connie smiles up at you with a wave as he goes back in line for another shooting warm-up.

Sasha agrees not too. But it still feels wrong of you to ask.

The game begins and it's Jean who is up to jump for the ball. You watch as he bends down at the knees and holds his arm above his head, mirroring his opponents stance.

The ref blows the whistle and the two jump up into the air. It's insane to think someone can jump that high.

Jean doesn't get the ball, but the other guy slapped it to the wrong team and so Eren manages to get it and pass it to Thomas.

One thing about basketball is that it's repetitive. You hadn't realized before since you've never seen an actual game, but you legitimately get tired of watching them run back and forth.

Colt gets the ball and takes a shot, making it. You know how hard he's worked for the scholarship so you smile to yourself knowing he's achieved his goal.

The other team takes a timeout so your team groups up by the bench and Connie looks up as he takes a drink of water, sweat dripping down his face and neck. He winks at you and guilt hits you in the stomach.

"He's really not hiding it anymore," Sasha nudges your shoulder with hers.

You smile at her words. This is what you wanted. To not feel like he was ashamed of you and now that you have it, it still feels wrong.

Not like you don't believe him or anything, but that it just doesn't seem real. It is though. He's yours and you're his. You just need to talk to him about making it official.

The time out ends and they go back to playing. Colts team is up by six by half time and when the buzzer goes off, the two teams head to the locker rooms.

"Come on, let's go to the bathroom," Sasha taps your knee and stands up. "Hurry before we have to wait in line."

You do as she says and follow her to the bathroom where you decide to wait out in the hallway instead of entering the chaos of girls rushing to pee or fix their hair.

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