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The others came back and you all ate lunch. It was nice. No one made fun of you, at least not really. Of course there was the occasional remark, but it felt more friendly and like they were including you in the fun.

"It's getting dark," Armin looks out at the large wall of windows from his seat on the couch. "We have anything else planned for tonight?"

Everyone looks around at one another and you catch Connie's eyes on yours. He's sitting at the other end of the U shaped couch, right across from you. He's slumped down with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Sardines?" Marco suggests.

You've never played before. You know how too, you've just never had a group of friends to play it with.

After everyone agrees, you go to change into darker clothes. Sasha let's you borrow some leggings she's brought because you still don't own a black pair. You'd think after the situation on senior prank night that you'd get some, but it appears not.

"Cute," Sasha smiles at you as you walk towards the dresser with just leggings and your bralette on. "Wearing something special under that for a certain someone?"

You furrow your eyebrows. "Did you forget about me and Colt?"

Sasha laughs lightly. "Did you forget that I know people at that school. Colt told his friend that you two broke up."

Your breath catches. Damnit. Maybe that means Connie knows too and that's why he's been flirting even more than usual.

"Does Connie-?"

"No," Sasha answers before you can even get the question out.

You frown again. "So he's been flirting even though he knows I have a boyfriend. Supposedly."

"Well, not exactly. I may have told him that it wouldn't last between you and Colt..." she grimaces. "Sorry, y/n."

"It's fine," you sigh, even though it's not exactly fine. You kind of wish she had hope that you and Colt would last longer than three months. But she knows you better than you know yourself. "Let's just hurry. They're probably waiting."

You pull on a black hoodie and slip on your shoes. It's cold outside, so you grab some gloves and a beanie.

"Ready?" Jean knocks on the open door and peeks his head in.

You and Sasha nod and follow him down to the main floor. Everyone is dressed in either black or really dark colors. It's funny to look at actually. You all look like your about to rob a convenient store.

"So," Sasha steps forward. "Everyone remembers how to play?"

No one objects, so she decides that Armin will be the first to hide. She gives him a small flashlight and tells him that he gets five minutes to find a place to hide and then the rest of you will search for him.

You head over to the kitchen to drink a few sips of a water bottle and watch the clock on the oven tick by. "Mmm thanks," Connie grabs the water and brings it to his lips. His throat bobs as he swallows the liquid and you can't find yourself looking away.

"You're welcome," you breathe out.

Connie leans against the counter with his lower back and crosses his arms. The hoodie he's wearing fits him really well. It makes his shoulders look broader and biceps bigger. Or maybe they just already are like that.

"Don't get lost out there, okay?" He smirks. "I don't want to have to come rescue you."

You roll your eyes.

"You were in girls scouts...I forgot," he laughs. "Right. Well then if I get lost, come find me, okay?"

"No promises," you shrug and forget about your water that Connie is holding on to and rejoin Sasha near the back door. "How much longer?"

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