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Author Note: some of you thought the flashback with y/n and Colt was really awkward and embarrassing. Good. That's what I was going for lol. Losing your virginity isn't always a fairytale moment. Sometimes it's weird and uncomfortable. Thank you all for reading and commenting, the feedback is great!


"Yeah sure," Colt steps to the side, not seeming too torn up about Connie taking his place. Instead, Colt walks to the middle of the table and watches.

"You're up," Connie rolls the ball to you with a hard expression.

Beside you, Jean blows on his ball which is a thing people do apparently. It's for good luck. It seems you need it, so you do the same.

You toss the ball after Jean and miss. It was bound to happen eventually. Beginners luck is what you think was happening. Eren tosses the ball and makes it, Connie doing the same.

"No worries," Jean grabs a cup and chugs its contents. "I'll take this one."

You smile weakly at him, feeling bad that he had to drink. Connie who now has the ball again, waits for Eren to throw his. Eren makes it.

"No way," Reiner walks up beside Colt with Porco by his side. "You were right. Who let the freak into the party?"

"Shut up, Braun," Connie's words are sharp. "I'm trying to concentrate."

Reiner throws his hands up. "My bad. My bad. Go on your highness."

Connie keeps his eyes on yours and launches the ball into the cup closest to you, the beer splashing a bit as the ball makes contact.

Jean groans and rolls the two balls back to your opponents. As he does, Colt moves closer to you. "Never thought I'd see you at a party," he chuckles with a slight red tint to his cheeks, probably brought on by the alcohol.

"I never thought I'd see you again in general," you cock your head to the side.

Colt scratches the back of his neck and shrugs. "Yeah I kind of lied about being from another state. I just didn't want people knowing I was local."

"Camp is like five hours away. That's not really local," you point out. "But I'm not judging. I was just surprised to see you here is all. Crazy you've lived thirty minutes from me this entire time."

The ball lands into the cup and Jean picks it up and hands it to you. "This one's all you, y/n. I'm getting tipsy."

You take the cup and smell the beer. It's unpleasant, but you can't embarrass yourself now. Reiner and Porco are here and they're relentless. So you place your lips on the rim and swallow all the beer in two gulps, cringing from the taste.

"Wooo!" Jean cheers for you. "Who are you?"

"Not sure," you let out a burp and grimace. "That's nasty."

"Yeah it's not everyone's favorite. Which is why they use it for beer pong," Jean chuckles. "Let's hope they miss the next one so we can redeem ourselves."

Jean rolls the balls back and you meet Connie's eyes. Colt begins talking to you again, so you look away.

"How have you been?" He steps a little closer. "It's been a couple months."

You shrug. "Pretty much the same as always. Living the introvert life."

"You're at a party with a bunch of people," he bumps your shoulder with his. "This is already a different side of the y/n than I remember."

"From what I remember, you've seen all my sides," you inwardly scold yourself for making a joke about what went down with you and Colt. He probably doesn't want to think about that day. It was awkward and weird and probably something that should stay a secret.

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