The Last Dance

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Connie and you walked back to the school in silence. You left it up to him if he wanted to talk, but you made no effort too. He didn't either.

What could you even say?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

"Connie," you stop him from opening his drivers door of the car parked beside yours. "What does this mean for us?"

He stops, his hand unable to pull the door open.

"You're a smart girl," he stays facing away from you, but you can see his reflection in the car window. He's hurting. "Figure it out yourself."

After everything. After you left him hanging so many times because you couldn't figure your shit out. He's the one leaving you.

You stand still, watching him drive off and leave you behind in the empty parking lot. A tear slips from your eye, falling down your cheek, the liquid hot and burning.



It hurts that he hasn't talked to you in over a week and a half. You guess you really did hurt him. But come on, you're about to leave for college and he doesn't want to spend the last few days with you?

"He's not coming," Sasha comes back into the house with her phone in her hand. "He's busy."

You scoff. "I'm sure he is."

Sasha threw you a going away party and a few people showed up. But none of them mattered. You just wanted to see Connie one last time before you leave in three days.

"I'm sorry," Sasha rubs the top of your head. "He's just hurt."

You nod. "I know. I am too. But I figured he'd wait to be hurt until after I was gone. I guess he didn't really like me as much as he said he did."

"Don't be ridiculous," Sasha frowns, looking more serious than she ever has. "He loves you. I know he does. He just feels betrayed. I are leaving."

"Because if I don't, then I'll lose my scholarship," you drop your head onto the table and let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm not one to throw something away for a boy."

Sasha leaves you to your frustration. You should be enjoying your time at your party, but you can't. Not while you know Connie is mad at you.


You found yourself outside his house. Not meaning to. You just got in your car and ended up parked outside in the street.

Obviously you could've just driven off and went back to the party, but your feet had other plans. They carry you to the front door and you knock lightly.

A few seconds later the door opens and a woman opens the door. She resembles Connie, so you assume it's his mother.

"Hello," she wipes her hands with a wash cloth. "Can I help you?"

You try to hide your anxiousness. "Is Connie home?"

She shakes her head. "You just missed him."

"Do you know where he went?"

"I'm sorry, I don't. Are you his friend?" She smiles.

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