The Springer House

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You were discreet about following him because no one knows about you two yet and after he just mentioned the fact he and Colt have both had sex with you now, you'd like to stay a secret for the time at least the rest of the day.

Once out of the gym, you look down both sides of the hallway and fail to see Connie. You frown and think about where you'd go if you were in his situation.

Hot tempered boy would probably need to cool off... You turn left and go for the door that leads out into the parking lot.

Your eyes scan the area and you find Connie leaning against the metal bike rack, his head dipped down and his shoulders tense as his hands grip the top of the rack.

"Connie..." you breathe out lightly, unsure of his current feelings towards you.

He looks up, his eyes tired, but his jaw is set angrily. You keep your distance so you don't overwhelm him and shove your hands into the pocket of your zip-up.

"Sorry," he stands up straighter. "I didn't mean to say that to Colt so loudly."

You shake your head. "It's okay. I'm the one who should be sorry. I should've told you right when I found out-"

Connie steps around the rack and approaches you. His hands grab onto your shoulders and squeeze them softly.

"I'm not mad at you, y/n. This isn't your fault," he lets out a weak breath, looking physically drained. "I'm mad at my best friend for going behind my back and trying to get with you even after I spent years telling him that it sucked I didn't think I'd ever have you."

You listen to him, understanding his pain. If Sasha turned around and went after a guy you liked, you'd be pretty pissed too, and the way Connie found out wasn't exactly pleasant.

"Are you going to go back in?" You question.

Connie shrugs. "I should, shouldn't I?"

"You don't have to if you don't want too," you smile lightly.

"I don't want too," Connie drops his grip on your shoulders down into your hands and rubs his thumbs over your knuckles. "How about we get out of here?"

You look around. "Aren't you going to get in trouble?"

Connie's shoulders lift up and his lips press together. "Maybe. I'll just have to run until I throw up tomorrow and I might get benched for the next game, but I don't really care. I can't play alongside Jean right now. I want to get away."

You pull your hand from Connie's hold and lift a set of car keys from your pocket. "I can tell Sasha to get a ride home with Jean. We can go wherever you'd like."

"Okay I'm gonna go grab my stuff from the locker room," he kisses your cheek quickly and jogs bag inside.

A though enters your mind. "Wait, Connie! Can you keep your uniform on?"

He turns back with a smirk, knowing exactly what you're wanting. "Anything for you."

As Connie goes back inside, you head over to your car and start the engine, wanting to get the heat on as soon as possible since your hands feel like they're about to fall off.

Your phone connects to the bluetooth and you decide to text your mom, wondering if she's off today.

Mom: nope. Pulling a split shift and sleeping at the hospital.

You wish her luck and put your phone down in the cup holder. She won't know if you're out later than you should be or if you bring someone home who shouldn't be over. Like a boy.

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