Part 1

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James King POV

"Check point come through," I whispered throughout my headset, everyone in place good. "Enter!" I kicked in the door bullets flying everywhere. The screams I hear are like music to my ears. Walking up to the leader. "You stole from me,"

Was all I said his eyes widen, I can smell the fear dripping off him. "No, no sir I-I" before he can finish I shot him in the leg "lie again" was all I said.  I've never been much of a talker but I always get my message across.

"I-I" he's taking too long, I shot him in the head. "Grab my shit," I then walked out. Pulling a cigarette I need a release. "What next boss" looking at Scott, my right hand "burn it" sitting on a car across the street, I watch as the warehouse go up in flames.

Hoping into my car I go to my club to check on things. Covered in blood, I went through the back door to my office and changed my clothes. Sighing, I walked down to my section.

 Sighing, I walked down to my section

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(Not James just how he's dress)

Trying to keep an eye on everything making sure nothing stupid happens. Drinking scotch with some of my higher up men came to sit with me. Watching over the sea of people. Someone caught my eye.

She doesn't look like she's supposed to be here. She has on a coat and light blue pajamas her hair curly with a bandana her hair looked like the top of a pineapple.

She came rushing in looking around frantically

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She came rushing in looking around frantically. Her beautiful lips in a pout but her eyebrow in a frown. Looking around I see she ran up to a blonde girl that is passed out in a section. Checking the girl pulse she looks thankful. She was about to pick her up but some guy stopped her.

Walking up to them so I can hear what's happening "no thank you she's my friend I'll take care of her" the girl said quietly. I almost missed it "it wasn't a request" he said grabbing her arm "remove it" Was all I said.

The guy didn't even turn to me "look dude find your own girls" he said tighten his grip glancing at me. Doing a double take he let go of her. "Out" I said he ran out as fast as possible. Bitch walking up to the girl she looked afraid. "Name" I asked looking at her "Bella" I kept staring "Moore" she said I nod.

"Why here" I asked her. "My friend called me said she need help." I nod helping her pick up her friend "car?" Was all I said she shook her head no "bus" looking at what she had on her legs exposed. I don't want people looking at her.

Grabbing her hand I took them to my car "directions"  she told me and we made our way to her house. It wasn't small 2 stories nice neighborhood. Getting there I helped her take her friend inside "you can rest her on the couch" I did turning to leave "what's your name" she said "King" I said looking into her eyes.

She wasn't scared everyone always scared. "Well thank you Mr.King" I nod and walked out. Going home texting my IT GUY wanting more information on Bella. My Bella looks like King found his Queen

Bella Moore POV.

Sighing getting up the next morning I'm tired. Going to check on Ashley "hey ashley wake up we have school" she groaned "where am I" looking around when she saw me she rolled her eyes. "Urg why am I here" she said grabbing her things and leaving.

We use to be close but once middle school hit she was popular and I wasn't so she left me. Every now and then she calls me when she's in trouble. I still help her I'm not one to turn back in someone in need.

Sighing I got ready for school putting my hair in slick ponytail and putting on something cute.  Doing a little make up I'm ready for school. Checking my phone I see a text from my dad I smile.


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Wiping the tear from my eyes. Sighing I got up and began to walk to school. Looking at my bank account $2,000 dollars deposit. Suddenly a car slowed down by my side the window rolled down "Mr.King?" I asked "get in" was all he said. I was going to deny but the look he give me told me not to argue. Sitting in his car "did you eat" I shook my head no. I honestly forget to eat sometimes "words" he said.

"No Mr.King I haven't ate" he nodded pulling up to Starbucks we walked in. I order what I wanted looking at him "are you getting anything" he shook his head no. So I just ordered two of what I got. When the total was said I was about to pay but he did it first. "When with me I pay" I just nod yes

Walking to the car we got in I always leave pretty early so we sat in the car and ate because people kept sharing at us. "Do you like it?" I asked he looked at me and nod I smiled at this. He just staring and kept staring "Mr.king why do you keep staring at me is there something on my face?" I asked him wiping my face. He smirked at me a bit.

"Call me James" he said I'm guessing that's his first name. Looking at him smiling "Can I call you Jamie" I asked with hopeful eyes. "You and only you" I blushed. Driving me to school "phone" he asked I hand it to him not having a lock on my phone because I really don't need one. He add his number in and saved it as Jamie❣️. He called his phone and save my number as My Bella❣️

Ooh lord I thank you that I'm dark skin. I was about to walk out but he stopped me from opening my door. Getting out he walked around opening my door for me. Grabbing my bag he helped me out. "Anyone bother you call me" he said I nod yes. This is so weird to me. I was about to walk away "hug?" I heard him say. Laughing I hugged him and thanked him for breakfast.

Turning around I see people staring me like I'm crazy. Looking down making sure nothing wrong with my clothes shrugging I made my way inside school. Going to my locker I got my books out. People are still staring at me. I don't like all the attention so I just went to home room until the bell rang. Sighing this going to be along day.

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