Part 6

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James King POV.

"Boss I think we got a problem" one of my workers said picking up my gun I ran downstairs I see Bella and some girls arguing. I smirk at how she stood up me sighing I'm going to have to tell her. She was walking away when one of them tried to launch at her.

She punched her dead in her shit it made I sickening crunch I knew her nose was broken. Walking up to my girl checking her for injury's she kicked the girls out and don't want them back fine by me.

Getting to my office she sat on my lip drinking her water. "Jamie?" She called out looking at me. I looked at her knowing where this was going "are you a criminal?" She asked I nod yes. "Do you kill people?" She said "yes" I responded "do you hurt innocent people?" She said "never" I said.

She bite her lip "well you hurt me?" She asked "not in a million years" I whispered she kissed my lips. I went back doing my work while she was on social media.  She post a picture of herself and guy after guy after girl responding with can I get your number or how good she looks.

One guy even asked to drink her bath water. I'm getting jealous I don't like people trying to take my woman from me. Maybe I kill all of them but that's a lot of murders. Hmmm?

Bella Moore POV

Sighing I'm getting sleeping getting off of Jamie's lap I went to use the bathroom. Taking off my shoes I laid on the couch in his off.  Closing my eyes for a bit but sleep won't come to me. Looking for my purse going though it looking at Jamie to make sure he's not looking I took my pills.

Laying back on the couch I get comfortable and started to fall sleep. Waking up to someone lifting me I see Jamie "sleep" he said I went back to sleep. Getting to his house I felt him take off my clothes and putting a shirt over me. 

               🛑slight mature content🛑

Sitting up I turn on the tv I never noticed in the room. Turning the tv down I don't like the dark. Getting up I wiped my make off making my way into the bathroom I saw Jamie with no clothes on I shut the door very fast running to the bed throwing the cover over my face. I heard a rich and loud laugher booming against the bathroom wall.

The door opened and I can see his shadow through the covers. "Look at me" he said I slowing pulled the covers off my face he was still naked but dry. His penis was just there standing at attention. Not really thinking I reached out and pulled him Jamie hissed "fuck" I pulled my hand back "I'm sorry" I said.

"No no keep going" he said I took it in my hand and pumped it Jamie was moaning and cussing which give me the courage to continue. He started to cum in my hand. Curious I licked off my fingers it tasted good. Looking up I saw Jamie staring at me in shock.

Embarrassed I ran to the bathroom washing my face and brushing my teeth. I put most my stuff up when I came here. Putting my hair up I walked out with my head down getting under the covers. Not looking up at him he pulled me closer and kissed me. "Don't be embarrassed" he said I nod cuddled closer to him and we went to sleep.

Getting up a few hours later I got up and Jamie was cuddled into me. His room door opened a girl walked in a Trench-coat "King what the hell is this" she yelled her voice really high pitched. I rolled my eyes great another girlfriend.

Jamie got up and looked at me he smiled a bit when he saw my frown he looked around and saw the girl. "Out!" He said bringing me closer. Sighing I rest my head on his chest. "King you really going leave me for this little girl!" The louder she got the higher her voice got. "Um ma'am you are giving me a migraine." I said with my eyes close

"Listen you black b.................Ah!!" She yelled Jamie shoot three shots I jumped and fell on the floor. He didn't shot her he did it so she get the hit "next time head" she's crying and ran out the room. Jamie came to my side picking me up. "Breakfast?" He asked wiping my tears away.

I nod yes he helped me up and we made our way downstairs. I see Scott but he's not looking at me running up to him I jump on his back. "Good morning Scott" I said Jamie yanked me off "Mine" he yelled turning in his arms I kissed him sticking my tongue down his throat. Pulling his hair slighting he groaned. "Hey hey no fucking in front of me" Scott yelled

I forgot where we were I was so embarrassed. Jamie smacked my butt and pulled into the kitchen. Jamie got a called and walked out the kitchen. Looking at my phone this guy came in and sat next to me. "Well aren't you gorgeous who you here with" he put his hand on my thighs.

Pushing his hand off of thigh "please don't touch me" I said softly. He kissed his teeth "or what" he said I got up about to walk off until he grabbed my butt. Turning around I slammed his face into the table.


He screamed and Jamie ran in "what happened" he yelled he walked up to wiping my tears I didn't even I was crying. "He grabbed my butt Jamie. I told him not to touch me" letting out angry tears. Looking into Jamie eyes it was scary.

They were dark I started to back away from him but his grip on me tighten it started to hurt a bit. I whimper "J-Jamie y-your hurting me" he looked like he snapped out of it he kissed my head "sorry baby" he grabbed the guy my his neck "upstairs" he yelled at me.

"Jamie put him down I'm okay!" I said Scott tried to pull me away but I pushed him away. Walking up to him slowly walked up to him the boy is turning blue. I put my arms around him he tenses up. "Jamie your scaring me" I whispered he let the boy go picked me up and we took me to his room.

"Get dress" he walked out the room. Sighing I looked for something to wear. Put it on with my black Ugg's I putting all my things back in my bag. Grabbing all my stuff I walked to the door as soon as my hand got to the nob it opened.

Jamie walked in looking at me weird taking my duffel bag from me

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Jamie walked in looking at me weird taking my duffel bag from me.  He sat all my stuff around the room like how I had it. I thought he was taking me home. "I thought you were taking me home" I said "why?" Was all he asked. "I thought I was causing too much problems" I said looking at shoes.

He came over and kissed my lips. Handing me my purse we went out his room. Walking downstairs he pulled to this big guy. I mean he's huge height and all. "Ace Bella" was all he said.

"Hi Ace" I said smiling "bodyguard" Jamie point to him. My jaw dropped "for me?" He nod yes. Ooh okay I have a bodyguard now never really needed one even tho my dad has money.  Well maybe because I don't really go anywhere.

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