Part 31

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Bella Pov

The triplets are twelve and Isaac is two. JJ Hazel getting him ready to got out for dinner. Theo is sitting on the bed watching me get ready.

We've been doing better twice a month we have mommy and me. I try to do it all my kids so no one feels left out. Their all my babies and I need them to know.

When we were done getting ready we all went downstairs. Jamie right behind us opening the front door I see a woman with twin boys. About 14 of 15 "um hi?" I said "are you Bella Moore?" I nod yes.

"I'm Sabrina Tunner was Blake Moore your father?" She asked and I said yes once again. "This is Stephen Moore and Blake Moore Jr. there mother passed a few weeks ago and your their only living relative." She said and I stepped back.

Walking into Jamie "your father listed you as their sole Guardian if him and his wife was to pass" she said and I held onto Jaime arm feeling as I was gonna faint.

He left you this letter. Taking the closed envelope I read it.

My little butterfly ooh how I love you. If your reading this im dead. And your probably standing in front of your brothers. 

Your the best thing to ever happen to me. You love and try to find the best in everyone. Even with my being a horrible father to you. You always love me and never showed me any different.

The night when King brought you home and told me how much I broke you. I couldn't live with myself. I couldn't believe how much I hurt you.

Your mother will be so disappointed in me. But I left again because I knew he was doing a better job with you then I'll ever do.

He's going to kill me and honestly I deserve it. Im happy that he is so I can be with your mom again. Even thought she's going to whoop my ass when she see me for hurting you so much.

But I knew if I died and so did the twins mother. There's only person in the entire world I trust with them. That's you I know you can give them the love they deserve. Even though you didn't learn it from me.

I left you money in my secret account. By the time you get this letter it's probably tripled in stocks. I love with all my heart and I'm so sorry I wasn't the father you deserve.

Please take care of your brothers. Their innocent in all this as of you.

I'll love you though life and death my little butterfly.

Your father.

Crying my eyes out Theo is holding me rubbing my back. Looking at them they look just like him. I wiped my tears inviting everyone in. Grabbing Jamie hand walking into the kitchen.

"What do I do?" I asked him he hugs me "baby if you want to keep them we can. Their your family it's up to you. I'll support you fully" he said and I nod.

Walking out telling the lady they can stay. She said she'll be back in two months just in case we change our minds.

Looking at the boys "so how old are you?" I asked them "14" Stephen said Bj just sitting there. He looks upset "well I'll show you your room" I told them everyone followed. I give them the rooms with the Jack and Jill bathroom.

"I hope this is okay" I told them and they nod. "We were umm we're going to dinner. Do you wanna come" I asked Stephen nod but Bj rolled his eyes.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked him and he stood up. "Yes. Don't come in here like you know us. We been taking care ourselves we don't need any help now" he yelled at me getting in my face.

One of our guards was about to step in. But I stopped him "I've been raising myself since I was 8. I was alone for 10 years atleast you had each other. I was alone now I'm not trying to be your mother. I'm your sister but you will respect me. And if you can't do that your welcome to leave" I told him looking in his eyes.

"You guys can order pizza or something I lost my appetite. Stay out the basement don't cross none of the people here. There is a draw in the kitchen with petty cash if you need some." I told them.

"Put your hand on one of children what's not in a loving way I'll cut it off. I don't allow drugs in my home. Curfew 9pm weekdays  11 weekends" I told them and walked into my room.

Not long after Jamie walked into our room. "You coming baby" I shook my head no "take the kids for some food I going sleep" I told him.

He kissed back telling me they'll be back soon. We already promise the kids. I'm not disappointing them a hour or so later I went to get some water.

There was BJ getting something to drink. I walked passed him. "Did you know about us?" He asked me I shook my head no "I think I heard from your mom once but that was on accident" I told him and he nod.

"I'm sorry" he said and I nod my head. Walking away "thank you for keeping us" he said I turned around "your blood I'll do anything for you. Just don't make me have to shoot you" I told him.

🛑All right y'all I done🛑

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