Part 24

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Bella Moore POV

This is the best sleep I had in a long. Trying to roll over but I can't. I'm trapped to the wall groaning "Max go over" I said still half sleep "who the fuck is Max" and my eyes popped opened.

Turning around I saw Jamie and smiled "I wasn't dreaming" I said snuggling into him "Bella who is Max" he looks mad I set up I'm tilting my head to the side. As his face starts to get red. Oooh he's Jealous cute.

I smirked "Max is my friend I meet him at the park. And he hugged me and made me feel better. He sleeps with me sometimes when I'm lonely. He should be here for breakfast soon" I said watching his get redder and redder.

I'm trying not to laugh "he slept in this bed with you" he ask folding his fist. "Yeah great cuddled too" I said getting up to use the bathroom.

The door bell rang and I went to get it. But Jamie beat me to it I leaned on the wall cover my mouth. Jamie open the door not seeing anyone "who are you" he heard then he dropped his head to see max sanding there glaring at him.

"Who are you" Jamie asked "I'm Max is Bella here" to see the look on Jamie's face ahh chief kiss. I laughed so hard Jamie entire neck is red he walks over not even looking at me. Going into the room.

I'm still laughing Max walks in and close the door. I'm go in the kitchen and make breakfast "where's your dad?" I asked him. "He went to work and then he has a date later" he said and I nod.

"Chocolate chip pancakes?" I asked him and he nod yes. Rubbing my belly I'm making breakfast for us. When I'm done I put the plates in the island. Jamie came out and kissed my cheek. "Max this is Jamie" I told him he looked Jamie up and down.

"He's your boyfriend right?" Max said and I nod but max looked sad. "What's wrong buddy?" He looked at and started to cry. "That mean your leaving. Daddy said when your boyfriend comes for you it's time for you to go home" he said still crying my jaw dropped.

"I'm losing my second mommy" he whispered then ran off into my room. I sat looking at the seat he was just in. Trying to wipe the tears away from my face.  But they just kept falling Jamie walked up to me and hugged from behind.

"It's okay baby" he said rubbing my belly pushing my hair out my face "D-do I ha-have to l-leave him Jamie?" I asked with my bottom lip trembling. Jamie kissed the lip and shook his head no.

"They can come home with us. They can live in one of my apartments and I'll give his dad a job." I nod rubbing my tears away felling a little better.

Sighing I grabbed his plate and fork walking into my room where he laid on the bed still crying. Sitting next to him my back against the headboard.

He sat up and looked at me I cut his pancake and feed him. "You know you'll never lose me" I said he looked up at me "remember how you use to live with your mom but only saw your dad every once in a while?" I asked him and he nod.

"Well it will be the same way with us. You can visit me whenever you want and I'll be here for every major event" I told him where having this talk while I feed him.

I don't want to tell him what Jamie said I have to see what his dad says first. Don't want to get him excited and it don't happens. "I'll buy you a iPad and we can video call everyday" I told him he wiped his tears and nod.

I went to get ready so we can buy his iPad. Texting his dad to make sure it's was okay first. He agreed going in my closet I went to find something to wear finding something I put it on. 

Getting out the room I grabbed my purse and keys

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Getting out the room I grabbed my purse and keys. I see Jamie and Max on the couch watching spongebob I took a picture on my phone. "Let's go" I told them putting Max in his car seat I went to the driver seat and Jamie looked at me like I'm crazy.

"You coming?" I asked his starting the car he nod and went to the passenger seat. "You can drive?" He asked me I nod "I taught myself the first month of being here" I said pulling off.

Driving to the mall me and Max sang along to the Word party playlist I downloaded for us. Getting to the mall we got out and parked on both sides of us are big black suvs. I looked at Jamie " security" was all he said and I nod.

Getting out the car I took Max hand we walked looking for the apple store. Finding it not long after I picked out the sky grey one for him. And got him a case and screen protector. He's 5 he's going to drop it sometimes.

We got an account set up with it and downloaded FaceTime some educational games and some for fun.  Jamie paid for everything don't how much I protest against it. So I send the money back to his bank account when I had his phone so he won't see the notification.

We stopped at few more stores Before my feet hurt and I got hungry. "Your hungry again?" Jamie asked me and my bottom lip stared to tremble. "Ooo00 your in trouble" Max sang and Jamie looked confused.

"Are you trying to call me fat?" I asked him and his eyes damn near popped out his head. "What? No I" I cut him off "well I'm sorry if I have to carry your big ass child inside of me. And that I get hungry faster then usual" I yelled and walked off with Max crying.

James King POV

What the hell just happened one of my guards came up to the side of me. "Hmm boss you never say that to a pregnant woman. Your lucky your girl nice when my wife was pregnant with our first child. I asked if she think she had enough cake. And got a chair thrown at me" he said running after Bella.

Rubbing my head I called my sister "twice in 24 hours. Damn boy" she said I told her what happened. "So you called your pregnant girlfriend fat" she said clearly annoyed "what no I didn't all I was trying say is she don't usually eat this much" I said and smacked myself in the forehead.

"Okay I hear it" she sighed "your an idiot. Got get her a warm cinnamon bun and ice cream tell her your sorry your just dumb" she said and hanged up on me.

This gonna be a long couple of months. Running to the food court I see my guard bringing Bella Pizza.

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