4. Project

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(don't play song yet)

Madison's Pov:

-time skip to after school-

The final bell just rang. I walked out of my Literature class. I walked down the hall to my locker. I put all my books in my locker. I didn't see Delaney in the hallway. After I finished getting the books I needed, which was surprisingly only science, and put the others ones away I walked out to the parking lot. I saw Delaney with her group of friends. I was about to go over and ask her if I should follow her or if she needs a ride but then my new friend James decided to come up with his other new friend I guess. "Hi. I want you to meet Matt," he said cheerfully. "Hi, Matt. My name is Madison but you can call me Mads." "It's nice to meet you Madison. Me and James are going to one of my favorite ice cream shops." "Well you two have fun, I don't want to keep you waiting." Matt starts to walk away. James looks back and waves at me and I mouth 'simp' to him. He roles his eyes then catches up with Matt.

I turn back to where Delaney's friends were I don't see them anymore. 'Where is she?'  I think to myself. "BOO," Delaney whispers very loudly in my ear. I jump and turn around. "You asshat," I say. "So are we going to get going this project isn't going to do itself," she says. "Fine bossy. Am I going to follow you or do you need a ride?" "I need a ride Lana drove me to school today." "Ok ma'am after you," I say and point her in the direction of my car. It wasn't really hard to tell which car was mine. My car was basically the only one in the parking lot by now. 

(play song)

Delaney's Pov:

We got in her car and she handed me the aux. "You can play anything EXCEPT country," she says firmly. "First of I wasn't going to. Also what do you have against country." "Well it reminds me of hill billys and hill billys annoy me on so many levels." "Ok understandable," I reply. I start to look through my 🇬🇧One Addition🇮🇪 playlist. (A little one direction inside joke for yall.) I finally come along the perfect song. Stole My Heart by One Direction starts to play. "NO FOOKING WAY (another inside joke) YOU DID NOT," Madison yells over the music. The song is playing and it gets to my favorite part. 'Cause your friends, they look good and you look better'  I sing my heart out at that part. We continue to jam out to One Direction while she drives to my house. She stops the car and parks in my driveway. "Ok but serious question who is your favorite?" she asks. "Um of course the one and only Zayn Javadd Malik," I reply. "Ok I see you but we all know Niall James Horan is the best," she says with sass. "You look like a niall girl." "What is that supposed to mean?" "Well you laugh at everything and I mean everything. Your nice like a little to nice. You always find a way to make people laugh." 'You also have one of the most amazing laughs and smiles' I thought to myself. "Wow. Your good and a little scary." "Enough of one direction we have a project on Protein Synthesis to do." 

Madison's Pov:

We walk into Delaney's house and was greated by the worst sight ever. It was her ex-boyfriend. I could see the hurt on her face. I walked in front of her so she felt protected. "Who let him in here?" Delaney asked. Anna's mom said "I did he said he wanted to talk to you. Why is something wrong with him?" she asked innocently. "Yes mom. He is my ex-boyfriend and I would like it if he left." she said with hurt in her voice. 

Delanaey's Pov:

I felt like I was about to break down into tears. "Who is this." Collin asked. "She is my friend NOW GET OUT OF MY HOUSE." "Yeesh ok no need to yell." "I will yell all I want now get out of my house." My mom had left the room by now. She probably didn't want to get in the middle of this. "C'mon I know you want me back," he said while touching my arm. "Just leave already," I said while getting uncomfortable. I wish Madison would help me right know but I understand why she isn't. "Or what are you going to kiss me," he said while getting closer to me. He was now holding both of my arms while rubbing up and down. He started to lean all I did was close my eyes. I didn't feel anything except his hands coming off my arms. I just heard a big thud and a grunt. I opened my eyes seeing Madison stand over Collin. "DUDE SHE SAID LEAVE NOT GET CLOSER AND MAKE HER UNCOMFORTABLE. NOW GET THE FUCK OUT." He quickly got up while holding his nose. He ran out the front door but fell on the way out. The urge to cry was so strong. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I fell into Madison's arms. "Hey it's ok. I got him out. If anything like that happens again just tell me ok. I won't hesitate to beat him into a bloody pulp," she said in a soothing voice. 'Wow she is so nice. Imagine her being my girl-  what am i thinking. "I'm sorry. I didn't expect it to go this way. It's just that he's done so much to me and the thought of him hurts so bad." "Hey it's not your fault you have no reason to apologize. He is just a huge dickhead with a tiny dick." "I do have something to apologize for I got tears on your shirt." "It is honestly no problem. That's what I'm here to do." "I think I want to tell you what happened I trust you enough." "Its no hurry what about we get some food then you can tell me." "Okay."

Here you go. I will probably keep on writing tonight I might post it I might not. Anyways I hope you like this chapter. Go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight. Please. See yalls.

-Baddest Bitch Alive 

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