37. Small Talk

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Delany's POV:

I pull up to our spot and park. I open my door and get out. I walk over to the passenger side door and open it for Madison.

"What a gentle women," Madison says very sarcastically.

"Only for you," I reply.

'Why did I say that?' I think to myself.

I quickly grab a blanket out of the back of my car and start to walk to the edge where we always sit.

I set the blanket down and took a seat. I pat the spot next to me. "I don't bite," I say with a smirk playing at my lips.

"Don't lie everyone knows you're a vampire," Mads replies still not amused.

I gasp. "How did my secret get out? Is it that obvious?" I say trying to get her to laugh. I hear her let out a little chuckle. I celebrate inside my head.

I turn and look at her while she admires the view in front of her.

Madison's POV:

'I hate how funny she can be, especially when I'm supposed to be mad at her,' I thought to myself.

I turn and look and see her staring at me. "See something you like?" I ask, honestly a little scared with how she will respond.

"Just admiring the view in front of me," she says still staring at me.

'Why the fuck does she have to be so charming. Like cant you tell I'm supposed to be mad at you bitch?' I think to myself, while still looking at her.

I quickly turn away so she doesn't see me and my reddened cheeks. Everything this girl does just makes me blush and give me butterflies. I'm surprised I can even hold a conversation with her without sounding like a complete idiot. Maybe I do and just don't notice because her beauty just distracts me from even realizing what I say or do.

"Hello earth to Mads, is everything ok? You kinda zoned out and didn't respond to me," she says, with slight concern lacing her voice.

"Oh sorry, what did you say?"

" I just asked if you wanted to go back since it's getting a little chilly outside."

"Oh yeah sure," I say, only know realizing that I have goosebumps from the cool breeze.

~time skip to when Mads gets home~
I run up the stairs before I can get questioned. I grab my notebook and start writing.

Dear Delaney,
Over the years I have noticed that everything has an opposite. Salt and Pepper, dark and light, day and night, new and old, up and down, smile and frown, half and whole. So maybe you are my opposite. My other half, because I am sure that you make me complete. And that sounds so cheesy like something a millennial would say during a proposal but it's true. I'm not sure what I would do without you. I was always told by my aunt that you should always tell someone when you love them. She said, "You never know, you might save a life, or meet your soulmate." And as much as I wish I could tell you in person how much I love you. Maybe you would even confess your love for me too. But everyone knows that it's just a figment of my imagination. Something that I imagine before I go to bed to help me sleep. 'Cause lets be honest you're prettier than any sunset. You have these eyes that look like fields you can get lost in. And your lips make me want to feel them on mine. Your smile leads me home, you're the unbelievable. And I'm the best friend, the side character. Everyone who's watching the movie or reading the book can see so clearly how hopelessly in love with you I am except for you. I know I shouldn't be relating my life to literally every trashy rom-com ever but I am. Maybe one day you'll realize the love I have for you. How I get butterflies every time someone mentions your name. The constant thought of you when I see certain things. Looking for things you like while I was shopping. But then again this isn't a trashy rom-com. It's reality and reality is like a bitch slap to the face. I would choose to be with you in an instant but it's not a one way street you have an opinion too. I know you wouldn't choose to be with me. How do you not realize? How do you not realize that when you speak to me, everything else melts away. The only thing that matters is your eyes. How do you not realize that I never stop talking except for when it's with you, I can't seem to find any words to say. How do you not realize that even in the largest groups, my eyes will always come to rest on you. How do you not realize that I am painfully, stupidly, and unequivocally in love with you. Maybe I'm not speaking loud enough or maybe you're choosing not to listen to me. If you told me about your darkness inside of you, I would still look at you like the sun. Nothing in this world can change my opinion. Change my love. It can only shield it and hide it. You can't force anyone to love you because it wouldn't be real, it would be superficial. So I'll wait for you. I'm not sure how long. Maybe one day I'll back on this and laugh because I'll love someone different but I'm not sure I can see that in my future. So I'll wait. Aso long as I can. Because no one will compare to you. Your nose is the right shape, your skin is the right shade, your lips, hands, feet, they are all the right size. Your height is perfect, same with your weight, your voice, your laugh is perfect, the acne on your face doesn't make you less valued, whatever you dislike in yourself is all in your mind, I find you perfect in every single way. No one will ever be as perfect as you. And maybe that's the problem with me. Because I am sure that you were sculpted by God himself. 1437

Enjoy everyone. luv u and take care of urselves.

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