After the wedding

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All Toph could see was Sokka's hand holding her from the airship. She could feel the heat from the fire that covered the ground below. "It looks like this is the end"said Sokka. As tears rolled down her face, she felt Sokka's his hand slipping from hers and...

Toph bolted upright with the scream. "Toph what's wrong?!" Katara asked rubbing her eyes. It was early in the morning. The sun was just barely visible from the horizon. "Nothing." Toph said quickly turning so as not to be facing her friends, embarrassed for waking them all up.

The nightmares have been reoccurring since the war, for years now that day still haunted her. No matter how much she tried to forget it.

"It's not nothing you were screaming like your life was endanger" Sokka said putting a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Little did Sokka know that in her nightmares her life actually was endanger. But he didn't known that so Toph just sat there quietly. Toph loved Sokka's soft touch. Something about it made her feel all warm inside.

"I just forgot where I was for a second that's all." Toph explained, trying to convince him there was nothing else wrong.

Sokka however could tell from the look on Toph's face that there was something else going on, but he knew better than trying to get her talk about something that she didn't want to talk about. Instead he just kept his hand on her shoulder, as they flew in across the early morning sky.

The gAang was heading to the earth kingdom. There they were going to Ba Sing Se and to visit Toph's patents for a little bit.

They had just came from the fire nation for Zuko and Mai' s wedding. After staying there for a while after the reception they took off so Mai and Zuko could go on their honeymoon.

Please let me know what you think in the comments❤️

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