Under the lights

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Sokka pov~
We had all walked back into the house hanging up our parkas. Then I heard a familiar voice. "Gran Gran!" Called Katara as she ran to give our grandmother a hug.

"Oh it's so good to see you again Katara, and Sokka you're both practically grown up." Said Gran Gran smiling.

Dad had done a great job of preparing dinner. There were sea prunes, and five flavored soup. All traditional water tribe foods of course. I sat down at the table with Aang at my left and Toph on my right.

The food was amazing. Now I knew where Katara got her cooking skills from.

During dinner we had told Dad and Gran Gran about our travels. Gran Gran mostly wanted to hear about the fire Lord's wedding.

After dinner we all helped clean up. "I can get it from here." Said Dad as we left the kitchen.

"Okay Snoozles what's the surprise?" Toph asked impatiently. "You'll see, Katara can you grab some blankets, and meet us outside?" We had gone to the door and put back on our parkas and headed out to the porch.
It was snowing, and Katara had handed me a blanket while we sat looking into the night sky.

Only it was different. The northern lights were dancing through the sky in all sorts of colors.

"Okay I know I agreed to letting you pick what we got to do but seriously why are we out here." Asked Toph.

Oh my god I had completely forgot Toph was blind! She can't see anything. Stupid stupid stupid. "Toph I'm so sorry I had completely forgotten. I just wanted you to see the lights and-" I was so embarrassed "It's okay" Toph said hanging her head "I was just excited, that's all"

"Why don't I explain it to you, like on the Ferris wheel." I said excitedly. "Sure Snoozles" She reply, as I felt her move closer to me.

As I looked down at her I noticed Aang and Katara's faces. Their mouth's were both wide-open staring in shock. They were probably surprised that Toph had excepted help. She always hated it when people explained things to her.

I didn't care they could stare all they want. I just put my arm around her and tried my best to explain the lights. I couldn't explain color to her but I tried my best to explain the movement of the light dancing through the sky. "This wasn't such a bad pick after all." Toph said softly.

Toph pov~
As I laid there feeling this soft little snowflake landing on my face. I heard Aang and Katara snoring beside us. I couldn't believe it I was laying right on top of my crush, again.

"Sokka?" I asked softly. He didn't answer must've fallen asleep. But I couldn't take it anymore I had to tell him even if he was asleep. Maybe I could practice what I want to say, or at least clear my conscience. I thought.

I sighed. "I wish you knew meathead, how much I love you... But you're my best friend, and I know you don't feel the same way. I want to tell you so bad it's killing me. But I can't risk losing you." I said softly as I felt good tearful down my face.

Sokka pov~
I had been awake the whole time, I had no idea she loved me. Toph Beifong loved me. "I love you too." I said softly. "Sokka I-" she started but before she had time to finish I had kissed her. Like I had wanted to for years.

I partially expected her to pull away. But she didn't instead she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled herself closer. We just sat there kissing under the light snowflakes falling from the sky.

"Do you wanna go to my room?" I asked her, she not nodded. I picked her up and carried her inside to my room and later on my bed.

She told off her parka and threw it into the corner. She looked so much smaller without her parka on.

"What does this mean?" she said petting the fur on my bed. "I'm not sure" I said laying next to her.

Before I could say anything else she pulled me on top of her and started kissing me again. I had never been more happy in my life.

I was kissing my crush, the girl I had loved for so many years. When she pulled away, I heard her ask quietly "Can I sleep here for tonight?"

"Of course" I said giving her a soft kiss.

Toph pov~
How had this happened? It was everything I had ever wanted but oh no, Katara and Aang what would they say.

Katara had listened to me, and all my problems. And I didn't have the decency to tell it was about her own brother.

I started to cry at the thought of disappointing Katara.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he stroked my hair. "What will everyone think?" I said burrowing my head in a pillow. "Who cares, since when have you cared about what others think?"

"They're our friends Sokka, and Katara she's, she's your sister, oh and Aang he's dating your sister. We could loss them both and-" my mind kept spinning. "Snap out of it Toph" Sokka said shaking me. "If it makes you feel better we don't have to tell them not until your ready."

"Promise?" I felt dumb asking but I wanted to know. "Promise"

This makes me so happy❤️ I hope y'all are enjoying the story, if you have have any comments or ideas I'd love to hear them❤️❤️❤️

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