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Sokka pov~
The rest of the group just stood there in shock staring at Toph and and I.

"So like are you to a thing?" Asked Zuko awkwardly." I glanced down at Toph, she gave me a nod. "Ya we are" I said proudly.

"Since when?" Katara asked eagerly. "About four months" Said Toph taking my hand, which made me blush.

"Well I'm happy for you guys" Replied Aang with a smile. "Thanks Aang"

I can't believe it after all that time of keeping it a secret, it was all out there, they finally knew. I know four months wasn't really that long, but keeping it from your family was different. What can I say you do things for the people you love.

Toph pov~

*they had left lunch and had gone their separate ways. The girls were now going dress shopping*

We had walked into a big shop that I assumed was filled with dresses. Katara had apparently already planned out what we were going to wear, of course. She had just sent Mai into the dressing room to try some things on.

"Hey Toph?" Katara asked. "Yes sugar queen" I replied. Looking up from the ground. Not that it made a difference.

"If you don't mind me asking, why didn't you tell us sooner about Sokka?" She asked.

"I just didn't want to make a big deal" I said calmly.

"BS" Said Mai coming out of the dressing room. "Excuse me?" I asked

"You heard me, that's a bunch of BS Toph" Said Mai in her cold tone. "Ya why didn't you tell us, or at least me?" Katara sounded sad now.

I sighed "That's exactly why I didn't tell you guys I did want to risk damaging our friendship" I said hanging my head. "I didn't want to loose any of you guys"

"Toph that's silly, I know we fight but nothing could really come between us. We all just want you guys to be happy, are you happy?" She asked resting her hand on my shoulder.

"I am" I said with a small smile.

"Great cause your next up for dresses" Said Katara handing me some dresses and pushing into the dressing room.

*Katara's dress is a ball gown style in a very pale blue embroidered with little blue details, along with some pearls.

Mai's dress is long slimmer fitting in a light maroon color, it has long sleeves with open shoulders.

Toph's dress was also long, it was a light green slightly flowing dress with off the shoulder sleeves*

Normal pov~

*dinner back at the palace*

"So how did your shopping go honey?" Asked Aang sweetly. "It was great, we got a dress for Mai and Toph, I'll be picking mine up in a couple days" she said smiling at Aang.

"How was dress shopping?" Sokka joked. "Really meathead?" Toph asked.

"Yes really I wanted to know how your day went?" He replied. "Honestly I liked it better when this was still a secret, you were less sappy" Toph replied laughing.

They had finished dinner and we now on desert.

"Toph I wanted to ask you something" Said Sokka before taking another bite of his food. "What is it now Snoozles?" She asked.

"I was wondering if you would like to be my date to the wedding?" Sokka asked. "I don't need an invitation meathead, I'm in the wedding" she rolled her eyes, or at least tried.

"I know, I wasn't asking if you needed an invite, I was asking my girlfriend if she would be my date to the wedding" He replied

"Well when you put it that way, I guess I could be your date" She said laughing before giving him a kiss.

"Who's the sappy one now?"

"Shut up"

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if you have any suggestions or ideas feel free to leave a comment❤️

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