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Toph pov~
When I woke up, Sokka's arms were wrapped around me. I still couldn't believe that last night had actually happened.

Nonetheless I still didn't want to tell the rest of the gAang yet. I carefully lifted Sokka's arms to free myself from his clutch. Slowly making my way into the living room and onto the couch.

I don't think anyone is up yet. I can't hear anyone. It must be early I thought. So I just laid there on the couch waiting for Katara to make breakfast. I would've slept in longer but I couldn't risk anyone seeing me come out of Sokka's room.

Probably an hour later I heard someone walk down the hall. "Morning Toph" Said Aang in his usual cheery voice. "Morning twinkle toes"

"I was just going to make some vegetables for breakfast do you want any?" He asked. "No offense twinkle toes but I'll just wait for Katara to make me some real breakfast." I said laughing.

Maybe 20 minutes later I heard someone else walking down the hallway.

"Good morning Toph" Said Katara, also in a cheery voice. God how were they both such morning people they really were meant for each other.

"Morning sugar queen do you think you can make me some real breakfast I would've done it but I can't exactly see fire, and no offense to baldy over there but I'm not eating vegetables for breakfast." I said crossing my arms.

"No problem" She said I heard her footsteps lead into the kitchen. 

Sokka pov~
I had woken up to an empty bed. My first thought was had I been dreaming about last night.

I sat on the edge of my bed hanging my head trying to figure out if last night really happened. Then I saw Toph's parka sitting in the corner, still slightly damp from last night.

A smile crossed my face. It really had happened, I kissed Toph Beifong. And she had to spend the night. But she doesn't want us to tell anyone.

I sighed and walked into the living room to see her sitting on the couch like the day before. All I wanted to do in that moment was run up to her and kiss her but I'm pretty sure she'd find a way to either earth bender something or punch the living daylight right out of me. So instead I just greeted her and walked into the kitchen to find Katara.

She was making hashbrowns and bacon, while Aang was cooking his vegetables. I don't know how he could be a vegetarian meat was like my favorite thing, except for Toph.

"All right everyone I have an announcement."Said Aang as we all sat down at the table. "We're going to dinner tonight at Midnight Ice" He said proudly.

"That's the nicest restaurant in the southern water tribe how did you get a reservation?" I asked him. "Being the avatar doesn't hurt." He smiling.

"Wow really we're going to Midnight Ice! Oh my gosh I've only ever been there like once in my entire life it's so fancy, Toph you and I should go shopping today. We can get new dresses, and then come back her to do hair and makeup." Said Katara who was now smiling more than Aang.

"Just a minute sugar queen I didn't agree to that." Toph said slightly annoyed. "Well you don't have to we're going and that's that." Said Katara in her mom voice. "Fine" Said Toph slouching in our chairs with her arms crossed.

Honestly I was a little disappointed I wanted to spend the day with her, but it was probably best if she went with Katara.

Toph pov~
I did not want to spend the day shopping and doing makeup. I would have wanted to stay and hang with Sokka, but Katara was a hard person to say no to.

"Come on Toph" said Katara taking me to the door. "Where's your parka?" She asked

"Ummm, I think I left in my room I'll be right back" I turned around setting off towards Sokka's room.

"Ugh where is that thing?" I whispered to myself as I felt the floor looking for my parka.

"Came back so soon?" I jumped, it was only Sokka. "I just need my parka" I said shortly. "Okay, on one condition" He said, I could tell he was grinning. "Oh and what's that?"

"A kiss from Miss Beifong"

He thought he was slick. He's such a meathead. But he's my meathead.

I went over and gave him a soft kiss and took my parka and headed out. My cheeks red.

"Okay, I'm ready" I said to Katara. "Great let's go" I could tell she was excited, she loves shopping, I think it runs in the family.

We had walked for a while when we came to a stop. "Ta-da!" Katara exclaimed. "Um Katara" I said waving my hand in front of my face. "Right, we'll we're here"

"Are you sure I have too go?" I said giving her that look. "Yes, it won't be that bad" she said taking me into the shop.

When we went in we where greeted by the shop keeper, who was an older lady, maybe in her late sixties by the sound of her voice.

We walked up and down the isles every once and while Katara handed me a dress.

I had sat down on a bench while Katara had went into the dressing rooms and tried on her dresses. (She settled on a light blue longer dress with sheer flowing sleeves)

"Okay Toph you're up" She said pushing me into the dressing room.

I had probably tried on a dozen dresses and Katara sent me back in each time.

"Oh Toph this is the one! What do you think?" Katara asked eagerly as I walked out for what felt like the hundredth time. "It's soft, I guess I like it"

I actually did like the dress it was shorter, the fabric felt like silk, and to had long sleeves.

"And it's green" I asked Katara as we checked out. "Yes, but why does it even matter to you?" She asked.

"I might not be able to see sugar queen, but it makes me feel happy? Powerful, something like that" I said taking my bag.

"I get that, well you will will be happy to know that it your dress a nice dark emerald green" She said leading me out of the shop.


*back at the house*

"We have two hours until dinner, why don't you get a shower" Said Katara. "Okay which way is it?" I asked. She lead me to her bathroom.

After I showed I had gone back to Katara's room to get changed. I had put on the the dress and was waiting for Katara to finish her makeup.

"Hold still" Said Katara attempting to put on some blush on me. "You can do my hair, and I'll allow lip gloss but that's it" I said choosing my arms.

"Works for me" She said happily putting on some lipgloss.

"I'm thinking of leaving your hair down tonight" she said running a brush through my hair. "Whatever you say sugar queen" My hair has grown quite long, practically at my waist.

"Oh but I'm going to put you hair clip back in. It will keep the hair out of your face"

I had completely forgot about the clip Sokka got me. I reached into my hair and felt it's soft petals. I smiled at the thought of Sokka.

"I think someone enjoyed the makeover more than she thought" Said Katara smugly. She must have noticed me smiling. "I guess, now let's go to dinner, I'm starving"

Thank you so much for 200 reads, and all the support it means so much.❤️
As usual if you have any ideas on how I could make the story better, or comments I would love to hear them!!!

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