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Sokka pov~
The party had died down a bit, Katara and Aang were talking to last group of guests. Honestly I was kinda burnt out.

So I wandered back to where the food was and grabbed an extra piece of cake. The flavor wouldn't be my first choice, but it was still good.

I was putting away my plate when I saw Toph sitting on a bench.

"You burnt out too?" I asked her. "Ya I don't know how sugar queen and twinkle toes can stay so social for this long" She said turning to face me.

"You wanna get out of here?" I extended my hand out. "I thought you never ask" she took my hand as we walked further way from the party. "Okay Snoozles so where are we heading?" She asked.

"Hmmm I don't know, how much of the air temple have you seen?"

"None of it meathead I'm blind remember" she sounded agitated, but in a joking way. "Let me rephrase that, how much of the temple have you felt" I asked. "Not very much"

"Well why don't I take you on a tour?" I suggested. "And what makes you the expert?" She said sarcastically. "I'm more qualified than you" I said smugly. "Fine as long as you don't get us lost"

"Name one time I got us lost"

"Well there was the time in the fire nation, and in the swamp, and the—" she was using her fingers to count.

"Okay I get it, but we won't get lost this time" I tried to reassure her. She just laughed.

Toph pov~
We had walked for while until we came to a garden. I walked over to a bunch of peonies in the center.

"Peonies are my favorite you know" I said quietly. "I didn't—, wait how did you know what kind of flower they were?" He sounded surprised.

"I can tell the difference between most flowers, they all smell different." I started to explain.

"That's why peonies are my favorite, it's my favorite scent"

Why had I just told him that, I have never told anyone that before. I paused my mind wandering off.

"Hello? Earth to Toph? Are you there?" He shook my shoulder. "Huh, oh ya I'm fine were you saying something?"

"I was just asking if you were ready to head back?" He said. "Not yet" I responded.

"It's my turn to show you something" I grabbed his hand and lead him out of the garden.

It was a short walk until we came to a waterfall, I had sensed it while we were in the garden.

"Hey Toph nice waterfall but what are we doing here?" He sounded confused.

I had sat down and patted the ground signaling for him to sit next to me.

"Close your eyes" I said as I felt him sit down.

"Now are your eyes closed?" I asked. "Ya they are" He was telling the truth.

Sokka pov~
We were both laying on the ground, she placed her hands on top of mine and moved mine to face the earth.

"Can you feel that?" She asked.

I actually could feel the waterfall, I felt the earth slightly shake, as the water poured down, and crash in the ground below. It was cool to have feel how Toph lived, well sorta.

"Ya I can, this is amazing Toph" I said as a smile crossed my face.

"I wanted to show you how I kinda see the world, of course I use my earth bending but this is the closest experience I could think of." She smiled, she looked so happy.

"It's perfect" I finally opened my eyes again to see her feed face turn red.

We had laid their for a while in the silence. But it wasn't an awkward kind of silence but the peaceful kind where you feel safe and relaxed.

I turned my head, and saw that her eyes were closed. I think she was partially asleep.

Without hesitation I had picked her up and started carrying her back to our room. "Thanks for tonight Snoozles" she mumbled softly as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

Hope you guys enjoyed❤️

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