Secrets out

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Normal Pov~

*3 months later*

They had all been helping Aang and Katara plan for the wedding. They had decided to have it at the Southern air temple.

Today they all went into the town to do more shopping. The  girls were going with Katara to pick out flowers while the boys went with Aang to taste some possible meal choices. They had all decide to meet for lunch in between.

Zuko had picked out the restaurant and they were all seated outside when someone familiar showed up.

"Sokka I missed you so much" said Suki running up to Sokka and giving him a kiss, though he pulled away, Toph made a tight fist trying to keep calm.

"Ya, I guess it's been a while, how have you been?" Asked Sokka awkwardly. "I've been good but I want to hear about you guys" She said excitedly.

"We'll Aang and I are engaged!" Said Katara smiling showing Suki her betrothal necklace.

After Suki congratulated them her focus fell back on Sokka.

"So I guess that means I'll need a date, how about it Sokka?" She asked. "I'm sorry Suki I can't" Replied Sokka.

"It's not like you're dating anyone, come on Sokka let's try this again." Said a Suki trying to take Sokka's hand, but he pulled away.

"Well ummm" Sokka started. "I don't understand Sokka why are you so against going with me?" She asked.

"I'll tell you why because we're dating" Said Toph grabbing Sokka's hand trying to prove her point.

Suki turned back to face Sokka "Sokka you know you don't have to settle, look I'm sorry I know I made some mistakes, but we can start over and—" She was cut off.


"Well I'm sure your aware of the limitations of dating someone with you your ummm disabilities" Suki said coldly.

"WE'LL SEE WHO'S DISABLED IN A MINUTE" Yelled Toph starting to go after Suki but Sokka held her back.

"Suki look there was a reason why we didn't work out, it was a one way relationship—" Said Sokka still holding onto Toph for fear that she would try going after Suki again.

"Sokka I don't understand, what we had was real, or it's surely more real than this game your playing with Toph" Said Suki agitated.

"Don't you get it Suki, we were done a long time ago, it's not going to happen" Replied Sokka.

"Sokka—" Suki started but Toph cut her off.
"Can you really be this stupid, take the hint!" Said Toph before pulling him in for a passionate kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"GO TO HELL" Yelled Suki storming off.

Sokka pov~
What the hell just happened, I thought me and Suki were good, but apparently we weren't. And Toph she just blurted out that we were together in front of everyone, not that I cared but it was just so much.

I looked up and saw the rest of the gAang standing their with their mouths open, I think the they were all thinking the same thing.

"What just happened?"

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