First Dinner

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Sokka pov~
"Toph meet the southern water tribe." I announced as we all got off of Appa.

I was so excited for her to be here. I took her and lead her all around the village meeting everyone. But I really wanted her to meet my dad. I know he met her at the invasion but she's changed a lot since then.

"Sokka when do you think we can go back to your house?" Asked Toph.

"As soon as we find my dad I don't know where he went but I'm sure we'll find him soon."I said but then I noticed that Toph was chatting, and her lips were turning blue.

"Toph I forgot completely forgot, ya we can head to the house now." I said kinda embarrassed .

I had gotten so excited to show Toph around I had completely forgot that all she was wearing was a green long sleeve shirt and pants. Which were both completely soaked plus she wasn't even wearing shoes. Not that she ever wore them, but now the bottom of her feet were red and discolored from walking on the snow and ice.

"Hang on" I told her as I picked her up and started back to the house. "Sokka what are you doing?" She exclaimed fidgeting in my arms.

"Carrying you that's what, unless you prefer to walk of course" I said jokingly. She didn't say another word, instead she clung to my parka as we made are we back to my place.

Once we got to the house, I let her inside to my room."Wait here a sec" I told her as I let go of her hand.

I dug through my drawers looking for something that might sorta fit her. I pulled out a old shirt and pants, and handed them to her.

Toph pov~
"Here" Said Sokka as he handed me what felt like a pile of clothes. " You can change in here. I'll meet you in the living room." He said as I heard him close the door.

I took off my wet clothes, threw them in a pile and put on the shirt and pants that he had given me. Both of which were really big. The shirt was nearly down to my knees, but I didn't care they smelled like Sokka. Plus they weren't soaking wet so I was happy.

I started trying to find my way to the living room. God how can Sokka be so smart and so stupid at the same time. Leaving the now completely blind girl to find her way in a new house. Great choice Sokka.

Once I found the door to the room I kept my hands on the wall and started feeling my way to what I thought was the living room.

This didn't go very well, because I ended up running into a door a few seconds later landing on the wooden floors with a thunk.

"Oh Toph I'm sorry I completely forgot here let me help you." He said lifting me to my feet. "Have I hit you too many times in the head or are you just stupid?" I asked him. "Perhaps a bit of both" he replied chuckling to himself as led me to what I assumed was the living room.

We sat by the fire in silence on a really soft rug, most likely animal skin.

"So" I started breaking the silence. "When do you think sugar queen and twinkle toes are going to get back?"

"I don't know, Katara wanted to go to the shop and get something for dinner." He said. "Oh okay"I replied.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked. I shrugged. "I can't exactly see like I could in the earth kingdom." I told him. "Oh yeah". He said glumly. "Oh! I have an idea let's play hot hands." He exclaimed sounding excited again.

"Fine" I agreed, and stuck out my hands face up. He laid his hands on top of mine. They were so much bigger, and warmer than mine.

"Okay so you try and slap the top of-" Before he could finish speaking I had already slapped the top of his hands.

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