Ba Sing Se

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Finally after days of traveling they arrived in Ba Sing Se. Sokka jumped out of Appa's saddle along with the rest of the gAang.

"Katara and I are heading downtown we will meet you at the Jasmine Dragon in a couple of hours."Said Aang as he and Katara ran off to do some shopping.

"Well Toph I guess you'll just have to go with me." Sokka teased. "Whatever you say Captain Boomerang." Said Toph with a grin.

Sokka felt his checks turn red. Although Sokka was never really fond of nicknames he didn't mind when Toph did.

They were walked along the shop filled streets until one peaked Sokka's interest. He grabbed Toph's wrist and lead her to a shop on the corner.

"Sokka where we going?" Asked Toph as Sokka dragged her into the shop. "You'll see." Answered Sokka."How many times do I have to tell you?" Sighed Toph.

"I was thinking that you may like a new hair piece for when you see your parents." Said Sokka."What's wrong with the one I have now?" Toph asked frantically touching her old hair piece."Nothing maybe you would just like to try something new that's all." Said Sokka as he looked through the clips and pins.

"Is there something I can help you find?" Asked the shopkeeper."Just looking at clips, and pins." Said Sokka.

The shopkeeper gaze turned from Sokka to Toph and with a smile said "I believe I have one that may interest you." She went into the back room and came back with a small brown box. Within seconds of her return she was in front of Toph removing her old hairpiece and replacing it with a beautiful white and green flower clip embroidered with pearls.

Sokka had nothing to say he just stood and stared. The pin held most of her hair out of her face, and for the first time Sokka really saw how beautiful Toph's milky Jade eyes were.

" I can feel you staring Meathead." Said Toph. "Oh sorry." Said Sokka rubbing his neck.

"We'll take it." Said Sokka as he paid the shopkeeper. "Your boyfriend has excellent taste you know." Said the shopkeeper. "He's not my boyfriend." Said Toph blushing as she quickly walked out of the shop hoping Sokka didn't see.

"Well we should probably be heading to the Jasmine dragon by now." Said Sokka as they headed out towards the tea shop.

Still he couldn't stop thinking of how beautiful Toph looked. Of course he had always liked her, but nothing had ever happened because of Suki. Now that him and Suki ended all he could think about was Toph, and how they maybe had a chance at being together. But he didn't know if that what she wanted. All he wanted was to make sure she was happy.

Please let me know what you think in the comments❤️

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