Uprooted Roses

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"What do you think that was about?" Asked Aang. "I don't know but I don't think we're staying." Said Katara.

"Ya I think you're right. You guys go pack up up the stuff. I'm going after Toph."

Sokka had headed out to the garden. He couldn't stop thinking about why she had to runoff. His thoughts seem to be an endless train coming up with more and more possible reasons for her leaving.

But they were interrupted when he noticed a patch of uprooted roses. Toph, Sokka thought to himself continuing to walk by what once was a patch of roses. Until he heard a soft sobbing in the distance.

There she was sitting by a turtle duckpond, tucked into a little ball with her head resting in her knees.

"Who's there?" Said Toph tears still rolling down her cheeks. She was shaking so hard, she could barely feel any vibrations around her.

"It's just me." Said Sokka approaching her slowly.

"What do you want meathead?" Said Toph her voice trembling. "I just wanted to make sure you were all right." He paused. " You were so excited to see your parents again but then you stormed out and-" Sokka started

"I'm fine I'll meet you guys back at Appa and then we can leave this place." Said Toph quickly burying her head back into her knees.

Sokka didn't know what else to do so he just let his instincts take over. He sat down next to Toph and pulled her into a tight hug, his chin and resting on her head. At first he could feel Toph resist but slowly he felt her relax. Melting into his arms.

"I thought ... I thought they had changed... " Said Toph softly her voice still shaking. "I thought they finally understood, I'm not some doll that they can just manipulate" Said Toph angrily. "I'm capable of taking care of myself and I'm more than capable of picking who I date and hang out with." She continued.

"I know you are." Said Sokka. "And you don't have to worry about your parents, you have us. And you know we'll never leave you. Even if you tried." Sokka continued.

In that moment Toph had just looked up meeting Sokka's gaze.

"Toph your neck!" Sokka exclaimed, pointing at the large red marks on her neck. "It's from that stupid necklace." Said Toph thinking about her family necklace that her mother had to given to her. This had caused her to start crying all over again.

"Come on we'll have Katara heal this up for you." Said Sokka picking up her small shaking body.

Even though it was a bit of a walk back to the others Sokka didn't mind.

By the time they had made it back to the others Toph's body was still shaking in his arms as she continued to cry.

"What happened?" Ask Katara running up to Sokka. "Hush Katara, Aang will you help me with her?" Asked Sokka. Aang nodded and gave Sokka a little air boost up into Appa's saddle.

"So where to now?" Asked Aang as Appa started to fly into the night. "I'm not sure" Katara paused for a moment. "I know why don't we go back to the South Pole." Exclaimed Katara.

"Sounds good to me" Said Aang. " Same here, plus we can visit dad while we're there." Said Sokka.

"What about you Toph, are you up for an adventure to the south?" Asked Katara. "Sure Katara whatever you say, as long as it's far away from here." Said Toph closing her eyes.

A couple of hours had passed and Toph had finally stopped crying and was now fast asleep laying on Sokka.

"So Sokka what happened?" Asked Aang quietly. "Honestly I'm not entirely sure. All I know is that she got into a huge fight with her parents and it didn't end well, that's for sure."Explained Sokka.

"Any idea what it was about" Whispered Katara. "I'm not positive but I think she feels like she has to choose between us and her parents and if she chooses us then she believes that we'll leave her." Said Sokka softly as he pulled Toph closer.

Please let me know what you think in the comments❤️ I hope you guys are enjoying story so far

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