The South

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Sokka woke up to the cold south air. He was about to get up but then realize that Toph was still asleep on his chest. She looked so peaceful laying there her face relaxed and her lips forming an o shape.

"Sokka you up?" Called Aang from Appa's head "Ya, is Katara up yet?" Asked Sokka. "No, she was up healing Toph after she fell asleep."Said Aang rubbing his eyes.

"Oh, I must've fallen asleep." Replied Sokka. "Yeah you were out not too long after Toph." Said Aang.

Sokka had looked down and she was all healed like nothing had ever happened.

Couple hours had passed and Katara had finally woken up.

"Morning sweetie." Said Katara giving Aang a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning to you too Katara." Said Sokka sarcastically.

They had continued to fly into the afternoon when Toph finally woke up. "Why is it so cold here twinkle toes?" Asked Toph. She did not fully remember everything that had happened last night.

"We're heading to the south pole, will be there in a couple hours." Replied Aang.

"The south?!" exclaimed Toph "You guys know I can't see there right?"

"Hey don't look at me you're the one who agreed to it." Said Sokka. Just then all the memories then came rushing back to her. Ba Sing Se, tea with her mom, the fight and agreeing to the south.

"What's that?." Asked Katara pointing out the village far in the distance. "What's what?"Asked Toph. "It's the tribe" Exclaimed Sokka. Toph could tell that Sokka was very excited to be back home. She wasn't wrong Sokka was very excited to go home and see his dad, but he was even more excited to be taking Toph there with him.

When they finally landed they were greeted by the tribe.

"Need some help getting down?"Aang asked Toph. " No I'm fine twinkle t-" But before she could finish she slipped on the ice falling backwards against Appa.

"You gotta watch where you step Toph" Said Sokka with a grin. "Oh ya I'll be sure to look where I'm going from now on" Said Toph sarcastically throwing her hands up for emphasis.

Once they had all unloaded from Appa they stood in front of the crowd.

"Toph meet the southern water tribe."

Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. If you have any ideas, or comments I would love to hear them❤️

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