Last night in the south

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Toph pov~
We had just walked back through the front door, I had hung up my parka. I was not gonna miss wearing this I thought.

"WHERE HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN?!" Katara yelled. "I told you we went out for bit" Said Sokka calmly. "Ya but I didn't know that meant until dark." She replied still angry.

"What did you think we were dead or something?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well no but—" she paused which caused an awkward silence.

"Not that I'm not enjoying this but I'm gonna go take a shower" I said breaking the silence. I started feeling my way to where I thought was the bathroom.

"It's this way" said Sokka moving me to the door of the bathroom. "Thanks Snoozles"

The warm water felt so good after being in the cold.

*Bang Bang Bang*

"OCCUPIED" I yelled going back to my shower. "You got a letter!" Yelled Katara. "AND WHY DO YOU THINK I CARE?!" I yelled back. God when will they remember I don't care about stupid letters, I can't read!

"It's from your parents" She yelled. I froze, my body filled with anger. Why were my parents trying to contact me? Didn't they know I'm blind? What do they want?!

I turned off the water and wrapped myself in a large towel. I took the letter from Katara's grip, and stared towards the living room.

"Ummm, hey Toph what are you doing?" I heard Aang ask. He was probably wondering why I was storming into the living room in a town soaking wet. "Where's the fireplace?" I asked coldly.

"Here" Aang lead me I front of the fireplace. I could feel the heat drying my body. Once I was sure where the fire was I threw the letter in, I heard the fire crackle as I walked away.

"Katara can you take me back to the bathroom?" I asked. "Ummm, sure" she sounded worried.

Once I got back to my shower I felt the anger wash away. I didn't care what my parents had to say, I didn't want to hear it.

Sokka pov~


Once Toph had gone to take a shower I went into the living room and sharped my boomerang.

*20 minutes later*

I heard yelling down the hall Katara and Toph were probably going at it again. But then I saw Toph storming down the hall dripping wet wrapped in a towel. Which honestly made me blush.

"Ummm, hey Toph what are you doing?" Aang ask. I just sat there staring, what was she doing? Was something wrong? What happened?

"Where's the fireplace?" She asked coldly.

"Here" Aang answered, I just sat there as he lead her front of the fireplace. That's when I noticed the letter in her fist. Then she just threw it in the fire, turned around and walked away.

"What just happened?" I asked Aang. He just shrugged. I watched the letter combust into flames.

Katara had walked back in. "What was that all about?" I asked her. "Don't know, I just handed her a letter from her parents, and then she comes in here and burns it" She sounded a bit upset.

"She must have had a good reason for it" Said Aang before walking into the kitchen.

*20 minutes later*

"KATARA CAN YOU GET MY CLOTHES!?" I heard Toph yell from the bathroom. She got up to go help Toph while I went into the kitchen and helped Aang set the table.

When Katara and Toph came down the hall we started dinner. We mostly talked about the wedding, that's gonna get old soon.

"Hey, ummm Toph why did you burn that letter?" Katara kinda blurted out. "That's my business sugar queen." Toph snapped back. "Come in Toph you can tell us" Aang chimed in. I could tell he was just as curious as I was.

"Well if you all really must know it was a letter from my parents, and I don't care what they had to say. So I burned it" She replied emotionless.

"But—" Aang stared "No more questions twinkle toes" She barked.

We all just ate in silence, until my dad came in and joined us for dinner.

Normal pov~
After dinner Katara and Aang had said good night and went into Katara's room. Which just left Toph and Sokka, again.

"I guess your with me again" Said Sokka jokingly. "Alright Snoozles"

Sokka had taken Toph back into his bedroom. She had flopped on the bed, and let out a loud sigh.

"So you really don't want to tell me why you burned that letter?" Sokka asked laying next her. "I told you it was a letter from my parents enough said" Toph replied.

"Night Snoozles" She said giving him a soft kiss on the cheek, before turning over. "Night Toph"

Thank you for reading, hope you guys are enjoying the story so far❤️

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