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Toph pov~
I woke up in bed with Sokka's arms wrapped around me. Instead of trying to get up I just decided to stay in his arms. I felt so safe.

Then I felt Sokka shift he must have woken up.

"Morning sweetie" He kissed my forehead. "Call me that one more time, I dare you" I was only partially joking. I hated those cheesy nicknames, and he knew it.

"Or what?" He joked. "You don't what to find out" I said with a grin as I got up and left the room, shutting the door behind me.

I could sense Sokka following me so I sent up an earth pillar in front of the door way.

"Owww" He whined as he feel back into the room.

I sunk the pillar so he could get through.
"Why did you that?" He asked "I warned you"

"Your gonna pay for that" He tried to grab my hand but I pulled away and started running.

"You gonna have to catch me first"

Sokka pov~
She took off running down the corridor and outside into the courtyard. She was fast but I finally caught up with her.

"Got you!" I yelled as I grabbed her by her waist and lifted her in air. I knew that it would piss her off.

"Let me go meathead!" She yelled. I put her down but I still didn't let her go, I just held her close.

"Say your sorry first" I teased. "The melon lord apologizes for no one" She laughed.

"Really not even for your boyfriend?" I teased tickling her.

"Especially him" She laughed in between words as she tried to wiggle out of my grip, causing me to fall backwards, with her now laying on my chest.

"Toph—" Before I could continue our lips collided together in a kiss. Her hands were on either side of my head, while my hands were in her long black hair.

After separating  she was still laying on my chest. I could feel her breathing starting to slow down back to a regular rhythm.

"We should probably go get breakfast, Katara will come looking for us soon." I said playing with her hair.

"Just one more minute, please?" She had nestled her head in my chest.

"Anything for you melon lord" I gave her a soft kiss on her forehead.

*10 minutes later in the kitchen*

"Hey Katara" I said as we walked into the kitchen.

"Morning Sokka, morning Toph" She said plating some food.

"Say where's your new husband sugar queen?" Asked Toph sitting at the table.

"He'll be back soon. He gave Mai and Zuko a ride down the mountain, they had to go back to the fire nation." She handed me a plate.

"Okay so Mia and Zuko are going back to the fire nation and you two love birds are going on your honeymoon where are we gonna go Sokka?" Asked Toph taking a bite of eggs.

"Oooo can I help you decide?" Asked Katara eagerly. "Don't you have your own honeymoon to plan for?" Replied Toph.

"Oh please Toph I had it all planned out months ago"

"Saw that coming" Toph went back to her food. "Okay so you guys to go to—" I cut her off.

"Thanks Katara but I already have a plan, Aang said he would take us down on Appa tonight"

"So where are we going meat head" Toph asked. "It's a surprise"

Toph pov~

*later that night*

We got on Appa and rode down the mountain where the temple was.

"Have a nice honeymoon twinkle toes" I waved as I felt Aang take off back up the mountain.

"So how are we getting to this surprise of of yours?" I asked turning to face Sokka. "By boat" He grabbed my hand and started walking towards the dock.

"Boat?!" I exclaimed "Well there's no other way to get there from here so yes we're taking a boat" He said as we boarded.

"I hate you"

"No you love me" He said smugly.

I held onto his arm as we left the shore, I was not looking forward to this.

Sokka pov~
Toph's grip got tighter as we went further out. "Don't worry I won't let go" I told her as I rested my head on hers. "Promise"

We had sleep out there together through the night. When the sun rose we were just about there.

"Toph wake up, we're here" I nudged her awake. "Can you tell me where are now Snoozles?" She said getting up.

"We are gonna spend some time at the black cliffs." I was so excited to be back here we hadn't come back since was used this place to meet before the invasion on the day of black sun.

"Come on let's go" I said leading Toph off the boat. "Say why don't we go to town for a bit and earn some cash" She said with a grin.

"What kind of scamming are we thinking, will I need my beard?"

"No I don't think we will be needing Wang Fire, how about we go scam the shell guys" She had a sparkle of excitement in her eyes.

"Fine, after you miss Beifong" I extended my arm out showing the way to the village. "Don't mind if I do" We started our way towards the village.

*a couple of hours pass*

Normal pov~
They had spent the whole afternoon in the village and had bought dinner with the money they got.

"Thanks for tonight Snoozles, it was really fun" she was holding his hand and they were walking back to camp.

Once Toph had set up an earth tent, and Sokka laid out the sleeping bags, then they just sat by the fire.

"Hey Toph I wanna show you something" Sokka said taking her hand leading her away from the camp.

"Where are we going this time?" She asked. "You'll know it when we get there"

They had walked down to the cliff where they had talked that night before the invasion.

"This is that cliff isn't it?" She asked.

"Ya it is"

"So what do you wanna do now?" She asked turning to face me.

"How about a game of hot hands? If you think you take me" Sokka said extending his hands out. "Game on Snoozles"

They had played for a while until they had switched so that Toph's hands laid face down on Sokka's.

But instead of trying to win he took her hands, and got down on one knee.

"Toph 6 years ago I met this amazing person. But what I didn't know was that this person would be my best friend. Someone who I could laugh, and cry with. Someone who makes me smile like no one else. Someone who I want to spend the rest of my life with. Toph on the day we were on that air ship I promised I wouldn't let go, and intend to see that promise through. So Toph Beifong will you marry me?"

"Took you long enough"

"Is that a yes?"

"Of course meat head" She had jumped into his arms kissing him passionately with her arms wrapped around his neck. Wishing this moment would last forever.

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