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*about a year later* 
They had decide to have the wedding at the spirit oasis, and the day they had both been dreaming about finally came.

Sokka pov~
I was in a hut finishing up getting ready when Aang walked in.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. "Honestly I'm not sure, I mean I'm excited of course, but also nervous, I don't know" I felt so confused, this was supposed to be the greatest day of ours lives.

"I know how you feel, but you are gonna be fine" He put his hand on my shoulder.

"But what if she says no" I blurted out. "Sokka, Toph is the most honest person either one of knows. If she wanted to leave she would have been gone a long time ago. Believe she won't say no"

"I hope you're right"


Toph pov~

Katara had just helped me into my dress and was now doing my hair, she had left it down.

"Sokka wanted me to give this to you before" She said handing me a box.

"He really couldn't wait" I said taking the box. "I think you are going to want and open it now" Replied Katara.

"I reached into the box, it was a vail. Only it had little flowers on the top, then I felt it. It was the flower clip that he had bought me in Ba Sing Se.

I felt it's soft petals. "Can you put it in?" I asked Katara. She didn't say anything but I could tell that she was smiling as she put in my new vail.

"Hey Katara?"

"Yes Toph" she replied as she finished adjusting the vail.

"Were you, you know nervous?" I asked quietly.

"At first yes, but as my dad walked me down the isle and I saw Aang standing there, I knew everything was going to be fine. He would be the one make me happy." She was now holding my hands.

"If it would help, I could walk you down the isle. If it wouldn't be too weird. I know you didn't want your dad here but you don't have to do it alone"

"I'm fine Katara I don't need any help, go find Aang. You guys are up soon." I said with a small smile.

"You are going to great" She said as she hugged me and walked out.

A couple of minutes had passed and I was pacing in the hut, when I heard footsteps.

"I told you Katara I'm fine"

"You know it's okay to accept help from those who love you"

Thank you for everyone who read this story, I'm sorry to say but the next chapter will probably be the last, but I hope you guys enjoyed❤️

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