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Toph pov~
I woke up with a strong headache from last night.

"You're up" Said Sokka "No I'm not" I said rolling over. "Do you have a headache? I always do after too much cactus juice I can have Katara come in and—" he started but I interrupted him. "I'm fine, just let me sleep meat head" I said shoving my face in a pillow.

I heard him leave. Honestly I just wanted time to think about last night.

Sokka pov~
Ugh she is so stubborn, all I want to do is help her can't she see that? I thought to myself.

I walked into the living room to find Aang on the couch reading.

"Is Katara up yet?" I asked Aang. It was unusual for her to sleep in. "No she's still asleep, I think she had a bit much to drink last night" Said Aang looking up from his book.

"That's makes two of them, since when are we the responsible ones?" I said laughing. Aang shrugged and started laughing as well.

"You wanna play some pai sho?"I asked pulling out the board. "Alright"he said helping me set it up.

Normal pov~
Aang and Sokka had been playing pai sho (and Aang was winning) when Katara finally walked down the hall.

"Morning Sokka, morning sweetie" she said giving Aang a kiss in on the check.

"Morning" Said Aang and Sokka. "Where's Toph?" She asked "Still asleep in my room, I would be careful though she refused to get up earlier" said Sokka going back to the game.

"She stayed in your room?" Asked Katara a bit shocked. "Ya she was super outta it last night" Said Sokka still focusing on the game. "Sure whatever you say Sokka" Relpied Katara grinning, going to wake up Toph.

She went to Sokka's room and knocked loudly on the door.

Toph pov~

*Bang Bang Bang*

"Go away Meathead!"I yelled "It's just me" Replied Katara. "Oh in that case, go away sugar queen!" I yelled.

Katara came in anyway and yanked the blanket away from me. "It's nearly 12, it s time to get up!" She said in her mom tone.

"Mhkabduebskah" My words got lost in the pillow my head was buried in.

*Katara was done, she used water bending to take water from a cup on the night stand and splashed it on Toph face.*

"WHAT THE HELL KATARA!" I yelled. "Great your up, come on" Said Katara leading me into the living room.

Normal pov~

*back in the living room*

"We need a plan" Katara announced as the rest of the group sat on the couch. "For what sugar queen?" Asked Toph.

"For what?! Aang and I are getting married, we have to start preparing. First it's back to the fire nation to tell Mai and Zuko, plus I bet Mai would help me plan. Then to Ba Sing Se to do some shopping, or I suppose we could do that in the fire nation-"

"Katara you have been engaged for less than 24 hours and you already have a plan?!" Said Sokka

"Well Aang and I had been talking about it and I knew he was going to propose soon, so I started to pre plan a bit" Said Katara. "A bit?" Asked Toph sarcastically.

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