The Jasmine Dragon

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The Jasmine Dragon was almost packed. Which wasn't a surprise, it was the best tea shop in the whole earth kingdom.

They found Katara and Aang sitting at a table in the back.

"Wow Toph I love your new hair clip." Exclaimed Katara pointing to the green and white flower clip in Toph's hair."Thanks"Replied Toph softly as she felt it's delicate petals.

"So did you guys do anything interesting?"Asked Toph hoping to change the subject. "Well Aang got me this bracelet at a small shop we found." Said Katara pulling out a silver bracelet engraved with little hearts.

"That will look good on you sis." Said Sokka."Thanks Sokka you always know just what to say." Replied Katara with a bit of sarcasm in her voice.

After they finished their tea they headed back to Appa and begin the trip to Toph's parents house. It wasn't far, maybe a half day long trip, so they would be able to make it there in time for dinner.

On the way there Katara and Aang sat up front on Appa's heard while Toph and Sokka sat in the saddle. Toph never liked flying of course because she couldn't see. Sokka knowing this always sat close to comfort her. More often than not tough she would cling to him when she felt uncomfortable. Which was pretty much all the time.

Sokka of course didn't mind, he actually kinda enjoyed it. He like the feeling of protecting Toph. She never let anyone help her, she had always wanted to be independent, and refused anybody who offered her assistance. But flying was different.

As they got closer Toph got more and more excited to see her parents again, it had been sometime since she had last seen them.

They had forgiven her for running away during the war, and she had forgiven them for keeping her away all those years. They had agreed to give her her privacy and freedom in return for no secrets.

Toph surprisingly agreed to these terms and it allowed for a good relationship between the three of them.

I'm so excited for the next chapters! I hope you are enjoying the story so far, please tell me what you think in the comments❤️

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