Back to the Fire Nation

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Sokka pov~



I opened my eyes, and rolled over to see Toph now laying on the floor groaning.

"TOPH AND YOU SOKKA YOU GUYS BETTER BE UP WE ARE LEAVING IN 30!" Katara yelled from outside the door.

"I'm going to Katara's room to get some clothes" said Toph standing up. "You know where it is?" I sakes still trying to rub the sleep from my eyes. "Ya it's just next door" she replied shutting the door behind her.

Once she left I got changed, grabbed my bag and walked out into kitchen to find some food. I found some rolls from last night and grabbed a few for breakfast. Then put some in my bag for later.

*15 minutes later*

I saw Katara and Toph walk down the hall. Katara looked all happy and cheerful while Toph looked pissed off.

"Come on Toph stop sulking you look great" Said Katara. "And why do think I care?" Asked Toph sitting down beside me on the couch.

I then noticed that Katara had braided her hair into two long Dutch braids. "Your hair looks nice" I said trying to lift her mood. "Shut up Snoozles" She said before punching me in the arm.

"Okay everything is loaded on Appa, are you guys ready?" Asked Aang. "I think we have everything together" replied Katara standing up.

"Okay let's get this show on the road"

We had said good bye to Dad and then headed outside to where Appa was. Aang and Katara were up front while Toph and I were in the back as usual.

As we took off I felt Toph cling onto my arm, she wore a fearful expression as we went higher. I looked upfront the two love birds weren't facing us so I gave Toph a kiss on the forehead to try and comfort her.

Her eyes widened, as she nudged me in the arm. "What the hell Sokka" she whispered. "They weren't looking, plus it looked like you needed it" I whispered. "I'm fine, you almost got us caught." She whispered screamed back.

"Everything okay back there?" Called Katara looking back. "Oh ya I was just asking Toph if she wanted a roll. Do you guys want one?" I asked taking the rolls had stashed from earlier out and handing one to Toph. Katara seemed to buy it, she had taken my offer so I handed her a piece that she ended up splitting with Aang.

Toph and I didn't talk as we ate the bread, we just sat in silence until we both fell asleep.

Toph pov~
I woke up with my head resting in Sokka. Hmmmmm I wonder how long we have been flying, air felt like it was getting warmer so we must be closer.

"Sokka, Sokka?" I whispered. No response, he's still asleep. It was boring just sitting there not being able to see anything, then I remembered that I had my meteor bracelet! I took it off and started to change its form. It felt so good be able to bend, it gave me a sense of control. Why didn't I think of doing this sooner?

*30 minutes later*

I fee Sokka move beside me. "Wow I thought you would sleep until we got to the fire nation" I said jokingly.

"Haha very funny, Aang how far are we?" He asked. "Maybe a couple more hours, you guys we out for a while" Aang relpied.

"So what are we supposed to do until then?" Sokka whined. "How about another round of hot hands?" I suggested morphing my bracelet into its original form.

"Game on, I'm gonna beat you this time" Sokka said excitedly. "Good luck"

Normal pov~
Toph and Sokka had been playing for some time now and Toph was winning.

"Ummm Toph you wanna take a little break?" Sokka asked rubbing the tops of his hands. "Why you tired of losing?" She asked with a grin. "Well no but my hands are" He replied. "Fine I'll take a break from kicking your butt at hot hands" she said still smiling.

*a couple hours later*

"There is is" Yelled Aang as Appa started to land. They had reached the fire nation and had landed in front of the royal palace, where Zuko and Mai were out front waiting to greet them.

They stared to unload while Toph just leapt off and fell backwards on the ground, before creating a earth angel in the dirt.

"Finally solid ground" Toph exclaimed laying there as the group continued to unload. "Hate to interrupt this but could you help us unload Toph" Asked Katara in her mom tone.

Toph was happy to help since she see again. She felt like her self, not like some helpless blind girl.

"Welcome back" Zulo announced as he shock Aang and Sokka's hands, and giving Katara a hug. He tried to give Toph one but she bent an earth pillar between them. "Easy there sparky, I'm happy to see you too, but imma pass on the hug" said Toph sinking the pillar back into the ground.

*later that night at dinner*

"Zuko, Mia Aang and I have an announcement" Said Katara standing up, Aang rose beside her. "We are engaged!" Exclaimed Aang with a huge smile.

"About time" Said Mai. "Congratulations, both of you" Siad Zuko hugging them both.

"With that Mai would you like to be one of my bridesmaids?" Asked Katara, she was nervous because she didn't know if Mai would be into that, even though she one of the bridesmaids at her wedding.

"Why not" Said Mai, a slight smile crossed her face. Katara ran over hand hugged her.

"And Toph I was wondering if you would be my maid of honor?" Asked Katara. She wanted Toph to be by her side on her special day, even though they fought, they were still immensely close. Toph just sat there a minute before saying anything.

"Of course sugar queen" said Toph calmly. Though deep down inside she was very excited that Katara had asked her.

After Aang had asked Sokka and Zuko the same thing, Sokka was going to be Aang's best man.  

They all celebrated with some cactus juice, Aang made sure that nobody had to much this time. They had a lot to do.

Thanks for reading, hope y'all enjoy❤️

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