Frozen Festival

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Toph pov~
"Katara can I ask you about something?" I asked nervously as she healed my feet. "You can ask me anything Toph" She answered.

"Well I'm not quite sure how to say this." I paused. "You can tell me anything." She replied. "If I tell you, you have to promise not to say a word to anyone." I said frantically.

I would've preferred not to tell her but I didn't know who else to tell I couldn't take it anymore.

"Well I sorta might have feelings for this guy I know." I said embarrassed. "It's about a boy, oh Toph that's so exciting, I'm so happy for you." Squealed Katara giving me a hug. "It's not that simple sugar queen. I don't even think he likes me."  I said pushing her back.

"Oh I'm sure he does, who wouldn't want you? You're so strong, not to mention beautiful."Said Katara taking my hand. "I don't know, you're probably just lying to make me feel better" I said with an angry tone. I wish I could tell if she was lying or not right now. "Toph I'm telling the truth any guy would be lucky to have you." She tried and reassured me.

"LUCKY TO HAVE WHAT KATARA? A blind girl who needs to live a life on earth or metal? I would be completely useless in a house. How would any guy be lucky!" I said almost yelling. "Toph you really need to calm down." Said Katara softly.

"No you don't get it." I shot back as I felt a tear down my face, I quickly wiped away hoping Katara wouldn't see. "Plus even if I found a guy who could live with my blindness how do I know that he is right for me?" I asked her. "How did you know Aang was the right one for you?"

"That's not a simple question Toph. You just kinda have to trust yourself" Replied Katara. "Trust myself? How am I supposed to do that when my own parents don't think I'm capable of doing that? If they don't think I'm capable of doing that for myself after all these years. Then what chance do I have?" I replied in a whisper. "I know that you'll make the right choice, whoever he may be you're not stupid Toph you'll know who he is when you meet him." Said Katara giving me another hug.

"Thanks Katara, I guess." I said freeing myself from from grip. "Good night" I said turning over. "Night Toph" Said Katara as I heard her turn off the light.

Sokka pov~
I woke up to the smell of cheesy eggs. Katara must be cooking I thought. I put on a shirt as I walked down the hall to see Toph sitting on the couch. Her hair was still in a messy braid from last night. I love her hair.

Then I figured why not take this opportunity to get back at her for sneaking up on me all those years. As I approached her I had to resist the urge to call out sneak attack but when I came up to her I couldn't help it. "SNEAK ATTACK!" I called out tickling her side. I didn't know whether or not she was ticklish but I didn't have any other plan.

Sure enough though she let out a laugh. "Hey cut it out" She said laughing. "This is revenge"I said continuing to tickle her. But that didn't last long she had grabbed my shirt and pulled me down to the floor. She made the wrong move though because I had ended up on top of her.

"SOKKA GET OF HER". Katara yelled in her mom voice walking in from the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready. Looks like you're safe, for now. " I teased her leading her into the kitchen.

Katara had us all sit down at the table to eat breakfast together, because she claimed it was good for bonding or whatever nonsense she believed in.

"Toph are you excited for the festival this afternoon?" Aang asked eating his eggs. "What festival?" she asked with her mouth half full.

"Oh it's the frozen festival, you'll love it Toph there's games food and rides." Katara continued. "Sounds like my kind of time, a day of being dragged around in the cold snowy darkness whoopi." She said sarcastically. "Don't worry will make it fun for you to Toph" I reassured her. "Whatever you say Snoozles."She replied going back to her food.

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