Friends or Family

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Once they landed at Poppy and Lao's house (Toph's parents) Toph showed the gAang to the guest houses. While they unpacked Toph had left to have tea with her mom.

She found her mom in the garden along with tea and an assortment of treats. "Mom" Toph said as she went to hug her. "Sweetie it's so good to see you again." She said sitting down at the table.

As they drank their tea Toph told her mom all about her travels and about the Fire-lords wedding.

"That's new." Said Poppy pointing out the flower clip in Toph's hair. "Yeah Sokka got it for me in Ba Sing Se." Said Toph proudly.

"Sokka which one is he again?" Asked Poppy. "The water tribe guy, he's always been nice to me." Replied Toph.

"Sounds to me like he might have a thing for you." Said Poppy with a smile. "I guess, well maybe." Toph said blushing. Poppy who had noticed her daughters cheeks turn fire red couldn't help but think had her daughter fallen for this water try boy as hard as it seems he had fallen for her?

After they finished their tea Toph had gone back to the guest houses to get ready for dinner. Katara was going to do her hair and make up for her.

Soon as they were already they walked over to the house only Lou a family servant had stopped them.

"Toph your father wants to talk to you before your friends come in." Said Lou leading Toph inside "What does he want this time?" Toph said under her breath. "Honey your father and I wanted to talk to you about something."Said Poppy.

Toph hated it when her parents called her things like honey but she let them continue. "What are your intentions exactly with this water tribe boy Sokka." Asked her father firmly. "Why do you care." Said Toph defensively crossing her arms.

"We just need to know if there's anything between you two, that's all." Said Poppy. "So what if there is? I don't see how it concerns you guys." Said Toph practically yelling. "Control yourself Toph." Lao replied firmly.

"That still doesn't answer my question." Snarled Toph.

"Honey your father and I have always wanted love for you but not like this." Said Poppy putting her hand on Toph's shoulder. "Why not!" Said Toph shaking her mom's hand off her shoulder.

"It's dirty blood that's why!"Exclaimed Lao. "Could you imagine what people would think if our daughter ended up with someone from the water tribe." He continued.

"Because that's all you care about is yourselves isn't it. That's why you kept me away for all those years because you couldn't stand the thought of people knowing you had a blind daughter!" Yelled Toph. "Well you know what? Sokka and the gAang have done nothing but support me, no matter who I am. Which is more than you've ever done for me!" She yelled as tears rolled down her face.

"You will not interact with these people anymore, you will not damage our family's name." Roared Lao.

"Screw you! Screw all of you, and your blood! I never wanted to be a Beifong, you think the name brings honor well to me all it is is a life of imprisonment and belittling." Yelled Toph banging her fist on the table shaking the whole house. "I'm 18 now and I'm leaving for good, don't worry I won't be damaging your reputation anymore!" Yelled Toph's ripping off her family necklace and throwing it as hard as she could which ended up shattering a vase in the corner.

That necklace had once meant something to her. Her mom had given it to her on her 16th birthday it had the Beifong family crest on it, the flying boar. She had worn it every day since. But not anymore.

Toph stormed out with tears rolling down her face. "Come on we're leaving!" Toph's said as she passed by her friends. "But Toph what about-" Aang started but Toph was gone long before he could finish.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, please let me know what you think in the comments❤️

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