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Chapter 6
After some more teasing they went in the college garden.
With Avu
They reached at the college gate. As soon as they entered the college all the boys started drooling over her but she ignored them and went ahead with jaireem n faisu
Jai: Faisu u wait here I'll take them to principal office for taking timetables.
Fai: okay. They went n collected their timetables n came back to Faisu.
Fai: Ok so let's go we will introduce u to our friends
Re: ok
Avu: wait
Jai: what happened
Avu: where is the washroom I wanna go. He told her where the washroom was and they went to garden where sid was.
Sidjan: heyy
Faijeet: hii. Re saw Anu.
Re: Anuuuuuuuuuu
Anu: Reeeeeeee. They hugged each other.
Anu: I knew u will take admission in the same college as mine where is avu
Re: she is gone to washroom
Fai: anu u here
Anu: yep I took admission in same college
Fai: oh nice(to sidjann) Sid,Jan meet Re my twin sis
Sid: hi I'm Siddharth nigam u can call me Sid
Jan: hi I'm Jannat u can call me Jan
Re: I'm Reem u can call me Re
Sid: guys I'm going to washroom. He left
With Avu
She was going back to Jai when a Boy stopped her
Boy: Heyy beautiful u new here
Avu: ya
Boy: myself David
Avu: I'm Avneet Kaur
Dav: Sweet name just as you
Avu: umm...thanks I'll leave now. She was about to leave when Dav held her wrist and pulled her closer n kept his hands on her waist.
Dav: u can't go anywhere before giving me a kiss babe
Avu: leave me you jerk. She was trying to free herself from his grip but couldn't do it as Dav was stronger than her. Dav was coming close to her face but suddenly he received a punch on his face by a strong muscular arm.
Who Punched David?
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