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Chapter 78
They saw Avi was on the edge of the terrace laughing wickedly.
Avi: you'll lose her HAHAHA
She took one step ahead and was just 1 step away from her death.
SA, AU: NOO!!!!!
Avi: Hahaha
Suddenly Sm1 shouted
Sm1: STOP!!!!!!
All looked at Sm1 and the Sm1 was Naina(u all must be wondering who Naina is so lemme tell u she is mother of Ash, urf twin of SA and daughter of AN, she is also a paranormal expert like her mom)
Naina: Maa I got his weakness
AN: what is it?
Naina: this
Naina said showing a painting in her hands.
Naina: when Zakuri died he was in a museum, some mafias were chasing him as he had cheated them and wasn't returning their money. He was hiding in a museum and suddenly the mafia's men reached there and shot him. He was close to this painting so before he died he transferred his spirit into this painting.
Avi(anger): how you got to know this
Naina: I investigated everything before coming here and now it's your time to go back to the place from where you came
Naina then took a lighter and fired the painting.
Avi(in pain): Aah aah uhuh
SA(sobbing): Meri bacchi!! Maa she's in pain pls stop this I can't see her like this, pls stop it
AN(in verge of tears): We have to do it beta there's no other way to save her
Suddenly Avi's body started growing big abnormally. All were shocked.
AN: he connected his soul to her, now he won't leave until he gets a soul
SA: then let him take mine I just want my baby to be fine
SA rushed to Avi but Naina pulled her back and ran to Avi and held her arms tightly.
Naina: maa put off the fire
AN: what are you doing Naina
Naina(pleading): maa pls
AN did as she was told to.
Naina looked into Avi's eyes and yelled.
Naina: you're a coward,  a total coward you are using a child, if you really are strong try to capture me
As soon as AN heard this she realized what Naina was doing.
Naina: I challenge you!! Leave her and get my soul of you got courage
Avi's eyes turned completely black and she stared back into Naina's eyes.
AN: Noo stop it Naina pls naina
But it was too late, Zakuri was now in Naina's body. Avi fell unconscious. It wasn't easy to overpower Naina because she was blessed and had a same mark on herself. Naina was still in her senses.
Naina(teary smile): Maa, Sonia, Aman jiju I love you all so much, I love Jai and Avi the same way, you do so there's no big deal if I sacrifice my life for her. Tell Aishu that mumma loves her the most and pls take care of her, she's in the living room.
SA: No!!
Naina laid Avi on the floor and took the painting in her hands.
Naina: my final goodbye to you all, Byee Maa, Sonia, Jiju, bye Avi
She said and jumped off the terrace.
All broke down on the spot, suddenly Avi gained her consciousness and ran to AU.
Avi(teary eyes): Why r u all cying(crying)
AN ran downstairs to Naina followed by SA. AU picked Avi in her arms and kissed her forehead.
AU(controlling tears): Princess Mom and Nani are sad now, they'll be okay after sometime
He took her to her room and made her lay down then quickly went to AN n SA. He saw that they both were in near Naina's dead body which was in a pool of blood. AN and SA were sobbing like hell.
The biggest chapter I ever wrote!! And kinda sad one.

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