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Chapter 35
Ash: Got it?
Anuneet: yeah
Ash: ok come
They went to a room which looked kinda same to a dining room. Swipe only once.
Anu: Are we gonna eat here?
Ash: Arey ofc not dumbo this place looks like a dining room but it's isn't. It's a exorcism room. Here we r gonna use the Ouija board
Anu: oh😅
Ashneet: 😂🤦‍♀
Ash: now lets began so I'll get the board n u too sit here on the chairs
She went & came back with the board & some candles
Ash: here is the Ouija board
Swipe to see & the heart shaped thing is called planchette if I'm correct. Actually I don't remember the name properly.
She placed the board on the table & lighted the candles. Then switched off the lights. Only a few dim lights were left on.
Ash(pointing towards
the planchette): see this this is the planchette & remember that u can't remove ur hand from it until the process ends.
Anuneet: Ok
Ash: keep ur 1 hand on it
They did. Like this they followed everything she said.
Ash: Isabelle are you there?
The planchette moved to yes.
Avu: Isabelle why did you chose me to help you
The planchette moved to Y-O-U---A-R-E---S-P-E-C-I-A-L
Ash: it means “You are special”
Anu: How u died?
The planchette moved to I--WAS--M-U-R-D-E-R-E-D--A-N-D--H-A-R-A-S-S-E-D
Ash: by whom
The lights started flickering & winds started moving fast. And suddenly the lights went off.
The planchette moved to T-H-E-Y--D-I-D--T-H-A-T--T-O--M-E
Avu: They who?
The planchette moved to H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A-H
Ash(serious): R u really Isabelle?
Anu: what do you mean by “R u really Isabelle”
Ash: sometimes we think we r talking to the one we know but actually we r talking to Sm1 else
Avu: what?!!
Ash: I'll explain this to u 2 later but now we gotta concentrate on the board
Ash: R u really Isabelle?
The planchette moved to N-O--I--A-M--N-O-T
Ash(super tensed): Oh shit no!!!
Why is Ash tensed?
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