Chapter 76

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Chapter 76
Next Day
All were eating breakfast. Suddenly Avi fainted. All got super worried.
SA: Avi open your eyes baby
AN: Aman call the doctor right now
AU called the doctor.
AN saw that Avi's mark on neck was again glowing like yesterday.
AN's Pov
The mark is glowing again, please God please it shouldn't be what I'm thinking, She's just a child she shouldn't suffer from all this pls God Pls.
Pov Ends.
Doctor also came and checked Avi.
Doc: she fainted bcoz of weakness, she might have skipped some meals
SA: but she is okay right?
Doc: yes, after she wakes up feed some nutricious food to her
AU: okay but when will she wake up
Doc: in sometime she'll wake up now I shall leave
AU: thank you Doc
AU paid the fees and Doc went.
AN's Pov
Skipping meals isn't possible, I feed her by my own hands. I feed her until her stomach is full. So how weakness? Meri bacchi ko Kya hua hai!
Pov Ends.
After 2 days.
Avi was playing with AN in house garden. Suddenly she started laughing strangely and was lifted in the air by some unknown force.
AN: Avii
Hearing AN, SA & AU also came and saw Avi
SA: Avi!!
Avi(in evil tone): what did you thought huh? You'll be able to save that boy and kill me? No that's not possible. You might have saved that boy but you can't end me. Now instead of that boy I'll take your granddaughter's soul and posses her. HAHAHA
Suddenly Avi closes her eyes and was about to fall down on the ground but before that AU & SA caught her.
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