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Chapter 34
Ash: Chuckles
At 1:20 am
All girls gathered in Avu's Room
Ash: all ready?
Avu: yup
Anu: yeah
Ash: ok so we'll go out in my car & Avu remember to take ur cross, holy water n locket
Avu: Okayyy I've packed it with me
Anu: Where r we going Ash?
Ash: come on first we will get outta this house & we also need to take the doll with us
Anuneet: ok
Avu: I'll go & get the doll
They all sneaked out & went to the place in Ash's car.
Ash was driving the car,  Avi is on the passenger seat & Anu is sitting behind. After sometime they reached somewhere & came out of the car. And they saw something.
Anu: Is This..
Avu: Your House?
Ash: yeah but not the place where I stay
Swipe to see the house.
Avu: this is the house in which I do exorcisms or spirit related things
Anuneet: Oh
Ash: now come on let's go in
Anuneet: Hmm
They went inside & went to the living room
Ash: So now listen we r gonna us the Ouija board to contact with the spirit of Isabelle & we'll directly ask her that why she chose Avu
Also before using the Ouija board you 2 should know the rules to play it
1. Never use the Ouija board alone
2. The board must be closed after use which means we have to say goodbye to the spirit before ending the game otherwise the entity might come back to us.
3. The Ouija board must be disposed properly
4. Never use this board in your own home
5. Never use the board when you are ill or in a debilitated condition
So the rules of the board I have written from google & trust me guys while writing this my hands were shaking out of fear I was literally so scared😅 But then too I wrote it IDK how but I wrote it😂 If there is any mistakes pls ignore it😂🙏
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