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Chapter 7
Dav was coming close to her face but suddenly he received a punch on his face by a strong muscular arm. The guy who punched dav freed avu from Dav's grip. He again punched Dav n Dav fell down. Dav got up and was about to punch that guy but the guy held his hand and twisted it. Dav winced in pain.
Guy: don't ever dare to do that with any girl or else
Dav(scared): s..o...rr..y I wo..nt do it again
Guy: say sorry to her not me
Dav(to avu): sorry sister I won't to do it again n I'll see every girl as my sister
Guy: better now just go away
Avu: thank u so much, today if u wouldn't have come than I don't know what he would have have done with me.
Guy: no need for saying  thanks even i have a sister n i understand
Avu(smile): that's so sweet of u Mr..
Guy: Siddharth Nigam(yes the guy was none other than our hero)
Avu: oh hi Siddharth I'm Avneet Kaur
Sid: nice name n u can call me sid
Avu: u can also call me avu
Sid(forwaded his hand): so friends?
Avu(accepting his hand): sure why not
Sid: u r new here?
Avu: ya it's my first day
Sid: ok
Avu: now I shall leave my brother must be waiting for me
Sid: Ok bye
Avu: bye. Avu went to Jai n sid went to washroom
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