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Chapter 30
(The pictures mentioned in this chappy are posted on my instagram account user is fanficsxsidneet )
Avu: ok
Ash: wait here I'll brb
Avu: hmm
Ash went back to he room n came back with a wooden box
Avu: what is this?
Ash: this is my box which contains things that are needed while a exorcism(swipe  2 times to see box & things in it. Don't swipe further)
Ash(took a cross from the box): Here Avu take this n keep this with all the time
Avu: ok
Ash: & ya wear this locket also(Swipe to see)these things r important. They should be with u all the time bcoz I think Isabelle needs our help n being a spirit her ways for asking help is different. According to me she chose u to help her
Avu: Me?! But why me
Ash: IDK but for now lemme sprinkle holy water on u, this doll n this room
Avu nodded
Ash sprinkles holy water in the room, Isabelle n also on Avi while chanting some prayers
Ash: Ok now it's done let's go back
Avu: Hmm
They both went to sleep in Ash's room
Next Day
In College all were in Canteen.
Ash(whispers to Avu): Avu
Avu(whispers): yeah
Ash: remember we have to tell Anu about the doll
Avu: yep
Ash: then let's do it now
Avu: ok
Ash(to Anu): Anu
Anu: ya
Avu: we both want to talk to u in private
Anu: umm ok
They went to an empty classroom
Anu: what do u 2 wanna talk about?
Ash: ok Anu listen to us and u may think that we r crazy n r talking nonsense but still try to understand
Anu(confused): what r u saying I'm not understanding
Avu: it's a little confusing but it's true
Ash: the doll with which Shre plays
Anu: ya what about the doll
Ash(takes a deep breath): it's possessed it's a possessed by a spirit
Anu: R u even serious what r u talking?
Avu: Anu listen I know its hard to believe but yes the doll is possessed
Anu: guys I'm telling u if it's a prank it's not a good one
Ash: it's not a prank
Avu: ya yesterday Ash had contacted with the spirit
Anu: what!? how is it even possible
Ash: it's possible & it's not a big deal for a paranormal expert
Anu: paranormal expert...........U mean u r a paranormal expert
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