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Chapter 82
Flashback Ends.
Avi gasped in shock after hearing the past and tears rolled down her eyes. Ash fell on her knees n broke down
Ash: M-mum-ma died like t-this
SA made Ash stand and cupped her face.
SA: beta you shouldn't cry instead you should feel proud of her, she gave her life for her children, she succeded as a mother
SA wiped tears of Ashneet.
Avi: Ash I'm sorry because of me you're mom had to give her lif-
Ash cut her off.
Ash: Shush, what my mom did was her duty and now what I'm gonna do will be my duty, I'll make her proud of me
She said and rushed out of the room.
(so I wanted to tell that I yesterday itself realized that there's a problem in that whole DB and Tara thingy, so I'm changing the story a little so pls think that there's no db, Tara or her mother in this ff)
SA: where she went?
Avi: I don't know I'll follow her bye mum
Avi also went behind Ash.
In living room.
Avi came running.
Avi: where's Ash?
Reem: dunno she came running and just went out
Avi: Gosh!
Sid: what happened Neet?
Avi: we have to leave now, come
Sid: but-
She held his hand and took him out with her.
They sat in car and Sid started driving.
Avi: Sidoo massi was.....
She explained everything to him while he was driving and soon they reached LMV.
They rushed inside and in living room VA was there.
VA: you look tensed up what happened?
Sid: mom where is Aisha?
VA: she was with you right?
Avi: she was but-........now we don't where she is!
VA(worried): kya?
Sid: don't worry mom we'll find her
They went to Anu's room.
Avi: did Aisha talk to you?
Anu: no, she was with you na?
Avi didn't said anything but went out of the room.
Anu: what happened to her?
Sid: I'll explain later!
He said and followed Avi.
They went to Aisha's Paranormal Activity house but she wasn't there too.
Avi: where the hell is she!!!!
Sid: calm down miljayegi Woh!
Avi: how do I calm down Sidoo, firstly she lost her mother because of me and second of all now her life is also in danger that too because of me

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